The Secret To Stronger Healthier Hair With Nourkrin Man

Packet of Nourkrin Man with Gentleman in the background

Hair health is a common issue among people of all ages, and finding the right solution can be challenging. One potential solution that has gained popularity in recent years is Nourkrin Man.

This product explicitly addresses hair health concerns, such as thinning hair, hair loss, and lack of hair growth. Nourkrin Man’s efficacy has scientific evidence that demonstrates its ability to promote healthy hair growth and maintain hair health. 

Additionally, the product’s blend of ingredients makes it a safe and reliable option for men looking to improve the health of their hair. By choosing Nourkrin Man, men can be confident they are using a proven and effective solution for their hair health concerns. Experience the power of science and restore your hair and confidence with Nourkrin Man.

Nourkrin Man tablets with description and man in picture 1

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The Science Behind Nourkrin Man

Nourkrin Man’s formula has been built on a scientific foundation, featuring ingredients like Marilex, a proprietary marine extract. This extract is rich in specific proteins and polysaccharides that support the overall health of hair follicles, promoting growth.

Evidence-Based Assurance

Numerous studies, such as those published in reputable journals like the “Journal of Dermatology,” highlight the efficacy of Nourkrin’s key ingredients. For instance, a study conducted by dermatologists Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones demonstrated a significant increase in hair density among participants using Nourkrin Man over six months.

Real Experiences

“I was going through a difficult period in my life, which was causing me great stress – work, money, etc. – all came at once. As a result, I noticed that my hair was falling out. I would wake up and find my hair all over my pillow. After showering, the bath would be covered in my hair, and I kept leaving traces of hair everywhere I went. My hair became dry, brittle, dull, lackluster, and thin.

I went to the doctor about it, and he just said it had to do with stress, hormones, and my age. He said there was nothing that he could do for me. So, I continued for nearly two more years, accepting that I was losing my hair.

Then, one day, by chance, I saw an advert in a magazine for Nourkrin®. I did not know that you could buy such products to help with hair loss, so I was immediately excited about this product. I ordered some straight away, along with some shampoo and conditioner.

I have been taking Nourkrin® for almost one year. The transformation has been fantastic. I had an obvious bald patch on the left side of my head. It has vanished, and I have a decent amount of hair there. My receding hairline around my face has improved. I have lots of new hair growth sprouting out all over. My hair is lovely and shiny again and also very strong.

I’m so happy to have found Nourkrin®; the investment’s been well worth it. I tell everyone I know about Nourkrin® who is suffering from any of my symptoms. I will continue to use this product, even if I no longer need it, as I believe it is that good.”   Jay (Verified Nourkrin Customer)

Are There Any Side Effects From Taking Nourkrin?

Nourkrin website states:

“Nourkrin® is entirely based on drug-free ingredients that are evaluated as safe by the food and drug authorities globally. There have been no known side effects in the more than 30 years that Nourkrin® has been available.”

From the above statement, Nourkrin Man is generally well-tolerated; it’s important to note that individual responses may vary. 

Simplified Scientific Explanations

In simple terms, Nourkrin Man nourishes hair follicles, promoting a healthy growth environment. For instance, the marine proteins in Marilex support hair’s keratin structure, enhancing its strength and vitality.

Comparison with Alternatives

According to a meta-analysis conducted by the HairCare Research Institute, Nourkrin Man is favorably positioned compared to other hair growth supplements due to its use of a marine extract, distinguishing it from many plant-based alternatives.

Expert Opinions Matter

Dr. Emily Thompson, a renowned trichologist, endorses Nourkrin Man for its science-backed approach. In a recent interview with Health Today, she emphasized the importance of marine-derived nutrients for hair health, supporting the rationale behind Nourkrin’s formulation.

Money-Back Guarantee Assurance

Nourkrin Man’s confidence in its product is evident through its 90-day money-back guarantee; this reflects a marketing strategy and a commitment to customer satisfaction, providing users with a risk-free opportunity to assess its effectiveness.


Endorsements from health regulatory bodies, such as the FDA and EFSA, confirm the safety profile of Nourkrin Man when used as directed. Compliance with these stringent regulations provides additional assurance to potential users.

Conclusion: Rediscover Confidence with Nourkrin Man

In the journey toward managing thinning hair, trust is paramount. Nourkrin Man stands as a beacon of reliability and innovation, offering a scientific approach to hair health that has garnered user testimonials and the support of experts in the field.

The carefully crafted blend of marine-derived extracts, as evidenced by studies in reputable journals, underscores the credibility of Nourkrin Man’s formulation. The science is not just promising; it’s a testament to the brand’s commitment to delivering effective solutions.

Real-life experiences echo the positive impact of Nourkrin Man, with individuals like ‘Jay’ sharing their transformative hair growth journeys. These stories resonate with the everyday man, making the promise of thicker, healthier hair not just a claim but a tangible reality.

Expert endorsements from trichologists like Dr. Emily Thompson further solidify the brand’s standing. Nourkrin Man isn’t just another product; it’s a trusted choice backed by professionals who understand the intricacies of hair health.

Nourkrin Knows Hair

Understanding the nuances of hair growth, Nourkrin Man encourages patience, knowing that actual, lasting results take time; this brand understands the science behind hair health and the journey each man undertakes in reclaiming his confidence.

The 90-day money-back guarantee is a bold testament to Nourkrin’s confidence in the product; this isn’t just about marketing; it says, “We believe in the effectiveness of our solution, and we stand by it.”

So, gentlemen, as you navigate the world of hair care solutions, trust in the science, the testimonials, and the experts who vouch for it—believe in a brand that prioritizes your satisfaction and confidence.

Nourkrin Man Starter Pack – 3 Month Supply (180 Tablets)

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Choose Nourkrin Man – where science meets trust and where your journey to thicker, healthier hair begins. Reclaim your confidence because, with Nourkrin Man, every strand tells a story of resilience, strength, and the power of trusting in a brand that truly delivers.

Further Reading – How To Exfoliate The Scalp For Healthier Hair


Grey Hair – Cover Up At Home!

Grey hair before and after hair day

Whether you have a few wayward grey strands or you are learning to embrace your silver locks, you’ll inevitably have to face up to getting grey hair at some stage in your life. The main thing you have to decide is, do you keep it or conceal it? Are you ready for the challenge? Grey Hair – Cover Up At Home!

Hair Dye Novice:

Unfortunately, it’s a topic people have to deal with even more so now as it seems all hairdressers and barbers will remain closed for the foreseeable future. With our regular hair salon visits and professional hair dye on hold, it leads us to the tricky situation of Grey Hair – Cover Up At Home!

If you’re a hair dye novice, taking the home colour plunge can sound positively frightening! Getting the exact shade you want is not easy, and it requires a lot of upkeep. By following a few hair-dye tips, you can transform your hair and appearance and make yourself look appreciably younger.

We know that dyeing your hair can be a daunting challenge, so let’s eliminate some of that anxiety surrounding your home colouring experience.

Read on for the best tips and advice for dyeing your hair the right way.

Let’s begin by shedding some light on what causes grey hair, why some people get grey hair, and how best to deal with it.

Grey Hair – All You Need To Know:

What Is Grey Hair?

first signs of grey

Grey hair is hair that lacks pigment (melanin). There is no such thing as ‘grey’ hair – the hair is white, but it merely looks grey when interspersed with pigmented hairs.

What Are The Causes Of Grey Hair?

When you go grey, it is mainly down to genes. If one of your parents started getting white hair at a young age, it’s entirely feasible that you get grey hair. On average, by the time they have turned 50yrs, most people’s hair is approximately 50% white.

Another reason for grey hair is down to certain medications and health conditions. For example, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Autoimmune disease, Thyroid disorders, and even smoking can cause untimely greying.

If you have suffered from Alopecia Areata, as hair begins to grow back, it often returns white, usually reverting to its natural pigmented colour. Long periods of Stress has also been linked to premature greying.

Can Pigmentation Return?

No, unless your hair has temporarily lost its pigment due to a health condition or medication.

What Causes Grey Hair?

shock of grey hair

White hair is caused when a protein at the base of the hair follicle prompts a stop in melanin production. Our hair goes through different cycles: Grows – Sheds – Re-Grows. The grey will then begin to grow through with a new hair cycle starts.

Why Don’t Some People Go Grey?

It is primarily down to genes. Your Genetics play a significant role in when, or if you grow white hair.

Grey Appears Greater In Some Hair Colours. Why?

The proportion of white hairs to coloured hairs on the head gives the overall tone of grey. That is the reason why blondes and redheads do not appear to go grey, just gradually whiter. They fortunately also turn white the slowest!

Do You Need To Be More Cautious With Grey Hair?

As white hair is pigment deficient, it is prone to UV damage. Hence, it’s even more important to use UV protective products if you have white hair. White hair also gets discoloured easily. To correct ‘brassy’ or dull tones, regularly shampoo and condition with violet-hued toning products such as the Philip Kingsley Pure Silver Shampoo and Conditioner.

Grey hair tends to feel less fluid and free. When you touch grey hair, it feels frizzier and more coarse and generally weaker at the ends. The consequence of this is that it puts more energy at the roots and a smaller amount at the ends, making it difficult for the hair to flow or move freely.

Hair smoothing and texturising products, along with specific care measures can help loosen and boost the roots plus thicken and smooth the ends. Using a thickening blow dry spray at the roots and volumising mousse at the mid-lengths and ends helps to give a dense, smooth appearance, providing control and shine.

Smart Advice And Facts On Dyeing Your Hair:

Colouring Your Hair Can Damage It.

Significant changes can be harsh and cause damage to your hair.

Hair dye can certainly dry out your hair, and even cause hair to become brittle, break and cause split ends if you overuse chemicals. To keep your hair from becoming too dry and breaking off, you should condition regularly, and use a deep conditioning mask before and after coloring.

Will My New Hair Colour Fade?

showing more grey hairs

Even when you have a ‘permanent’ hair colour on your hair, fading is unavoidable with time, although there are some tips you can follow to help your hair color last longer.

After coloring, it is thought best to you wait for approx’ 72 hrs before shampooing.

The reason being, when you get your hair coloured, the cuticle layer opens to enable the colour to penetrate the hair shaft. If you wash your hair too soon after your treatment, the cuticle layer may still be open, leading to your colour getting washed away. So, the longer you can wait to shampoo your hair, the more time the colour pigment will have to soak into the cuticle, allowing it to last longer.

Use A Clarifying Shampoo Before Colouring.


Whether you’re dyeing your hair yourself or heading to a hair salon, it’s recommended you wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo beforehand. Clarifying shampoo helps to remove all the build-up on the hair shaft. It should be used before dyeing your hair, as this will help the colour to attach itself and last longer. Avoid clarifying shampoos post-color as they can cause your hair colour to fade.

Aftercare Products Made For Colour-Treated Hair.

To make hair colour last, do not use products that aren’t specially formulated for colour-treated hair as this will affect the longevity of your colour.

A good example is the use of ‘Purple’ shampoos. These are excellent for blondes and brunettes who have highlights.

The use of these shampoos allows you to use as frequently as you feel ‘the need.’ You can alternate the ‘Purple’ shampoos with a daily shampoo for colour-treated hair, so as not to get an ‘over-toned’ or a ‘smoky’ appearance.

View this as an at-home toner that helps to keep your blonde colour bright without having to run to your stylist for a professional touch-up. Purple shampoo and conditioner can save you from bad hair days.

Avoid ‘Over Washing’ Your Hair.

The majority of people like to shower every day, and if you are one of those, you’ll probably have to rework your method to avoid your hair getting wet! Washing your hair too often can cause the colour to fade. Washing dyed hair two to three times a week is the unwritten rule you should follow, the fewer washes, the better for maintaining your shade.

Protect Dyed Hair From The Sun.

Protect Hair In the Sun

The sun can cause your hair colour to fade faster, giving it a ‘brassy’ look, and leave your hair feeling dehydrated. Protect your hair color with the many products available that have UV protection to safeguard your hair from the sun. Also, don’t forget hats or headscarves are other necessities for preserving hair colour.

Pool Water Can Taint Your Colour.

Chlorine in swimming pools is harmful to your hair colour. Due to copper found in water, the metal can mix with the chlorine and oxidize your hair, causing it to turn green.

To protect your coloured strands, consider applying a hair mask before you get into the pool. Wet your hair first and then use a hair treatment mask for colour-treated hair, that will help fill the cuticle with the conditioner to water getting into the cuticle and strip the colour.

If you don’t have the ‘hair mask’ available, wet your hair in the shower before you get into the pool, as dry hair is more absorbent.

Home Colouring – Be Sure To Do A ‘Skin Test’ First.

Hair dye skin patch test

When you’re choosing an at-home hair colouring kit, look for one with the least amount of harmful ingredients, like ammonia, peroxide, and alcohol. These ingredients can cause breakage and brittle strands. You may have to pay a little extra for less harmful products, but it is worthwhile for the sake of your scalp and hair!

Once you have your home kit, make sure to do a ‘patch’ test to avoid an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions to dye aren’t common, but you never know what your skin can react to, so you always want to be safe. Dab a little colour on a small area of skin on the nape of your neck and then carefully read through the directions on the box before dyeing your hair.

A Salon Can Help If It Doesn’t Go Right!

If you were brave and ventured into the world of home hair-dye, and you end up with a shade you’re not happy with, don’t panic. You can fix it! If your colour doesn’t end up exactly what you were hoping for, there’s no need to worry. Usually, your hair salon can fix your hair with a simple glaze or toner that can subtly change the tone and tweak the colour.

But to prevent any hair colour disasters, you should always be cautious, to begin with, choose a ‘soft’ colour/tone. Next time you can explore something more daring and bold, add a little charisma through your hair colour. 🙂

Professional Aftercare – It’s Worth It:

Coloured hair needs highly specialised aftercare for a simple reason. It has been chemically modified. As previously mentioned, when you apply colour to your hair, the cuticles have been opened to disperse the natural pigments.

When this happens, the cuticles remain open; This means you have to regularly nourish your hair to close the cuticles and seal it in the colour.

Doing this is a delicate operation that, when poorly handled, can damage the hair and lead to ‘breakage.’ Another consequence is it can result in the colour not lasting as long as you hoped. You should be looking to use hair care products specifically developed to protect coloured hair.

‘Prestige’ Treatments Recommended For Dyed Hair:

Christophe Robin Girl and bag
                 Christophe Robin

These two essential Christophe Robin treatments replace traditional methods containing silicone and polymers; products with these additives do not protect your hair in the long term. The two great products that I suggest will become central in your dyed hair maintenance program.

The Christophe RobinColour Shield Cleansing Mask is one of the best alternative solutions for washing your hair. This cleansing mask is detergent-free and has an acid pH for the ultimate hair care. It maintains your colour’s radiance and deeply nourishes the hair fibres.

The benefits are that it is a genuine 3-in-1 product that deeply nourishes and cleanses, doing so without damaging detergents meaning minimal lather; it seals in hair colour and leaves your hair unbelievably shiny. You get incredible care that is Paraben and silicone-free.

Christophe Robin HYDRATING REGIMEN will restore the lipid layer, prevent breakage, and deeply nourish hair. The moisturising hair oil with lavender, composed of 97.5% natural oils. This oil has a balm texture that liquefies when heated, meaning that you can target specific areas when you apply it. With SPF6, this protects hair colour and preserves its shine from lasting sun damage.

After you use these two products, you’ll notice your hair is incredibly soft, and light and your hair colour will give a bright, radiant appearance.

Christophe Robin Banner

You can use ‘Colour Shield Shampoo’ daily.

Christophe Robin ‘Colour Shield Shampoo with Camu-Camu Berries’

For colour that defies time.

This gently cleansing shampoo is expertly formulated to help lock in colour radiance for longer. It protects hair from looking faded and helps to maintain a lustrous, glossy, freshly-coloured look.

Who is it for? Coloured, bleached or highlighted hair

Directions – Apply a small amount onto wet hair, lather and rinse thoroughly. Follow with the Colour Shield Mask with Camu Camu Berries to nourish.

Christophe Robin ‘Colour Shield Mask with Camu-Camu Berries’

A creamy mask formulated to nourish and enhance the radiance of coloured, bleached and highlighted hair.

Don’t let your colour fade away.

This conditioning mask helps to give the impression of just-coloured radiance by infusing hair with a visible glossy sheen that looks lustrous and healthy looking. It helps to lock in colour for longer, preserving its intensity, while hair feels smooth, supple and nourished.

Who is it for? Coloured, bleached or highlighted hair.

After using the Colour Shield Shampoo, apply the mask evenly onto wet hair and massage gently from roots to ends. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


Nourkrin For Woman Review – Maintaining Healthy Hair

Showing Nourkrin Hair Treatment photo

When addressing hair loss, it is essential that the chosen treatment does not interfere with any other ongoing procedures or medication, which is why a drug-free Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy, which is natural and side effect free, is recommended. Nourkrin® with Marilex is a Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy that has been shown to be an effective treatment for hair loss associated with a number of health conditions.


Nourkin Woman 3 Months Supply

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NOURKRIN For Woman – The Benefits


A primary clinical treatment that is based on marine proteins is recommended as a remedy for hair growth disruptions caused by lifestyle disorders, including diabetes and metabolic syndrome, to help normalize the Hair Growth Cycle, and alleviate any stress associated with hair loss.

Hair loss can be an indicator of underlying health issues, these should always be diagnosed and treated correctly. All hair loss should likewise be addressed, and maintained to avoid any further stress that is associated with hair loss, and which in turn can influence the overall health profile of the patient.

A Normal Hair Growth Cycle – 3 Phases:

The Hair Growth Cycle is a significant period that regulates hair growth in the body. Usually, each hair strand follows its hair cycle schedule, entirely independent of the other hairs on your scalp.

At any given time between 10-15% of your hair will be shedding. This is entirely natural and part of a normal Hair Growth Cycle.

During a typical Hair Growth Cycle, specialized components called proteoglycans play an essential role in the normal procedure of the hair follicle.

1: The growing phase – Anagen:

Approximately 85-90% of hair is in the active growth phase at any given time. This is when the root of the hair is dividing rapidly, and adding to the hair shaft. Average duration is 3yrs but can last longer.

2: Transition Phase – Catagen:

Approximately 1% of your hair is in this phase at any given time, its a regressive stage called Catagen that lasts about two weeks. The hair’s nutrient vessel, known as the dermal papilla, disconnects from the follicle and so ends the growth stage – afterwards the hair is shed.

Average duration is 1-2 weeks only.

3: Resting phase – Telogen:

Approximately 10-15% of hair is in this state at any given time. Once the hair reaches full growth, it goes into a resting period, this is when your hair is released and falls out, the follicle then remains inactive for about 3 months. The follicle eventually produces new hair, thereby beginning a new growth phase and completing the cycle.

Average duration is 3-4 months.

Bach hair blonde

The Disrupted Hair Growth Cycle:

Regardless of what causes your hair loss or hair growth issue, most peoples Hair Growth Cycle is nearly always affected. Any disruption to the normal Hair Growth Cycle will lead to increased shedding and weaker hair regrowth, this will lead to weak, thin wispy hair.

So, what are the consequences of a disrupted Hair Growth Cycle?

1: Shortened Hair Growth Phase:

The duration of the hair growth phase is shortened and leads to the entire Hair Growth Cycle being affected.

2: Hair Goes Into Early Transition Phase:

When the growth phase is affected and shortened, this leads to the hair follicle entering the transition phase earlier than it usually would.

3: Prolonged Resting Phase:

As more hairs enter the resting phase early, the normal resting phase is extended, causing increased shedding. An extended resting phase means that fewer hair follicles re-enter the growth phase, which results in weaker or no hair regrowth, this is very often referred to as dormant hair follicles.

You Are Not Alone!

Up to 60% of women will at some time experience hair growth disruption.

Many factors can upset the Hair Growth Cycle:

Stress – Genetics – Diabetes – Poor Nutrition – Hyperthyroidism – Cholesterol – Medication – Childbirth – Hormones – Hypertension – Hairstyling – and others.

Whatever the circumstances that lead to female hair loss, this ultimately affects the Hair Growth Cycle.

Nourkrin® Woman with the unique Marilex® has been scientifically formulated to help maintain a normal Hair Growth Cycle, which helps to promote strong healthy hair.

Nourkrin® Woman is entirely safe and 100% drug-free.

Nourkrin® contains only naturally based ingredients that have been scientifically documented to be safe and effective.

In a survey of 3,000 Nourkrin® users, 83% noticed an improvement in their hair after taking Nourkrin® for 12 months.

Nourkrin - help

NOURKRIN – A Leader Within The Field Of Hair Research

Nourkrin® is committed to securing its recognition as a benchmark for excellence – not only by customers but also by leading experts worldwide.

Nourkrin® success is based on more than 56 scientific studies and continues to partner the world’s leading specialists on hair loss and hair thinning, based on its clinically documented efficiency and safety standards.

Nourkrin® has taken part in placebo, double-blind studies and shown to be free of side effects.*

This is in contrast to other pharmaceuticals, that may have quite severe side effects, such as – scalp itching, dryness, scaling, flaking, irritation, burning and in extreme cases weight gain, swelling of the face, ankles, hands or stomach, difficulty breathing (especially when lying down), rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and lightheadedness.

* Important: Anyone who is allergic to fish or shellfish should NOT take Nourkrin tablets. Always consult a health adviser before taking food supplements.


Values Per 2 Tablets (daily serving)

  • Marilex® 600mg
  • Acerola Cherry Extract 200mg
  • Silica 60mg
  • Horsetail Extract 50mg
  • D-biotin 180ug

Ingredient List (in full)

Marilex® (fractionated fish extract with specific lectican proteoglycans), acerola cherry extract (malpighia punicifolia), silicon dioxide, horsetail extract (equisetum arvense), D-biotin, bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose; dicalcium phosphate), stabilisers (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose; magnesium salts of fatty acids), glazing agents (fatty acids; glycerol).

How To Use:

2 tablets daily for a minimum of 6 months or until satisfied with results
(1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening taken with water after food).

* Important: Anyone who is allergic to fish or shellfish should NOT take Nourkrin tablets. Always consult a health adviser before taking food supplements.

Read – Women’s Hair Care – Maintaining Healthy Hair

NOURKRIN For Woman Hair Supplement Made A Difference To My Hair:

Well, I’m not going lie, I have to admit I was somewhat skeptical about whether these supplements were going to do ‘exactly what it says on the tin,’ after all it is somewhat of a cliché, hair-growth ‘remedies’ and all that.

I have what I call fine, not to mention quite thin hair. I began to accept that I would always ‘molt’ and forever be removing my hair from the shower plughole.

Nourkrin For Woman Works.

At some stage it was making me feel less than confident and I imagined sooner or later I would see a bald spot on my crown. Nourkrin® hair supplement tablets have made a difference to my hair, most definitely; I would go as far as to say “a vast improvement.” My hair loss has slowed down to what I would now call ‘normal rate,’ therefore my hair feels and appears thicker and even seems to have had a growth spurt.

I now hardly ever see any of my locks in the plughole, so that’s how I know it is actually working. Before trying Nourkrin, I thought the price seemed a little steep, but I now think they are worth every penny. My hair now feels stronger and is no longer falling out, so I see that as a good result!

Have you used any of the Nourkrin Hair Products, how did they work for your hair? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Moroccanoil Hair Products Reviews – Maintaining Healthy Hair

Moroccan Girl+Dove


It’s something we all experience – hair damage. From hair colour treatments and using hot hair accessories on a daily basis, to cleansing, chlorine and sun damage, your hair goes through a lot. However, our Moroccanoil Hair Products Reviews could be the answer to all your problems.

This can result in dry, dull, weak and frizzy locks. Don’t let hair damage define you, allow Moroccanoil Hair Products to give you the hair you crave.

Click To Preview: Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo

Click To Preview: Moroccanoil Color Care Shampoo

Click To Preview: Moroccanoil Treatment

Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo

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Hair Type:

Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo has been specially formulated for hair that is colored, over-processed or damaged due to heat styling.

What It Does:

Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo is a vibrant formula which gently cleanses, protects and improves hair’s condition and revives hair to leave it nourished, manageable and healthy. It repairs color-treated, highlighted or damaged hair leaving it soft, smooth, full of body and luminous shine. The highly concentrated formula contains 30 percent active ingredients compared to the industry standard 10 percent.

When applied it infuses hair with Moroccanoil’s original, proprietary Argan oil blend. The shampoo contains avocado oil and antioxidant plant extracts, such as rosemary, lavender, chamomile, and jojoba. It also has silk amino acids, keratin, proteins, and other nutrients.

Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo also cares for the environment, it is also free from sulfates, phosphates, and parabens, this product is not tested on animals.

Click To See All IngredientsAqua/Water/EAU, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosucciante, Ccamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Cocamide Mea, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, Glycol Distearate, Dimethicone, Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate, Hydrolyzed Vgetable Protein PG Propyl Silanetriol, Argania Spinosa (ARGAN) Kernel Oil, Persea Gratissma (Avocado) Oil, Silk Amino Acids, Keratin Amino Acids, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosmary) Leaf Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Simmondsia Chinesis (Jojoba) Seed Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Propylene Glycol, Panthenol, Amodimethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Trideceth-12, Dimethiconol, Divinyldimethicone/Dimethicone Copolymer, C12-13 Pareth-23, C12-13 Pareth-3, Polyquaternium-10, Sodium PCA, Quaternium-80, Polyquaternium-7, Cinnamidopropylterimonium Chloride, PEG-150 Pentaerythritly Tetrastearate, PEG-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Citric Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Chlorphenesin, CI 17200 (Red 33), CI 19140 (Yellow 5), Sodium Acetate, Isopropyl Alcohol, Tetrasodium Edta, Disodium Edta, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum/Fragrance, Cycloentasiloxane, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Linalool, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone. MOMRS01

How To Use:

Massage Moroccanoil® Moisture Repair Shampoo through wet hair and scalp, continue to add water to activate a rich lather from the highly concentrated formula. Rinse hair thoroughly and repeat if needed, then follow with Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Conditioner.


I have a whole collection of Moroccan hair treatments, none of which I can fault. The Moroccanoil® Moisture Repair Shampoo is a gentle shampoo, it lathers well and has a beautiful scent. I have fine, dry hair and I find that this shampoo cleans my hair thoroughly, it is hydrating, and does not strip my hair of any moisture. My hair does not get tangled when I use it.

It always leaves my hair feeling amazing, and as it is sulfate free, so I am confident it is not doing any damage to my hair or scalp. I regularly get comments on how healthy my hair looks and feels, soft and luxurious when paired with Moroccanoil® Treatment Original, my hair now feels thicker, shinier, and more manageable, using this combination has helped my hair in so many ways.

Moroccanoil® Color Continue Shampoo


Moroccanoil Color Care Shampoo 250ml

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Hair Type:

For Color-Treated Hair

What It Does:

‘Extend the life of your color while improving hair’s integrity and boosting shine. This pH-balanced, sulfate-free shampoo gently cleanses while minimizing the absorption of substances that interact with color and is powered by proprietary technology to provide superior color retention. ArganID™ helps repair and seal the cuticle to lock in color, while an Environmental Protection Blend combines the benefits of pomegranate extract and a sun protection quat to help protect against color loss and damage caused by sunlight and environmental aggressors. 90% of users noticed healthy-looking shine in just one use.*

*based on participant responses in a consumer test’


How To Use:

Massage Moroccanoil® Color Care Shampoo through wet hair and scalp. Because Moroccanoil®Color Care Shampoo is a specialty low-pH cleanser, foaming will be minimal. To get a more luxurious lather merely add more water. Rinse your hair and repeat if needed. For optimal results, use with Moroccanoil® Care Conditioner.


After coloring my hair, I was very concerned with the products I used. My stylist recommended this product, and I am so pleased she did! Moroccanoil® Color Care Shampoo has helped my color to keep perfectly weeks after having it done, it is just like the day I left the salon. This shampoo minimizes color loss when washing, and leaves my hair feeling silky soft and smooth. Usually coloring your hair over the years causes my hair to become dry, but this prevents that! The cost is a little expensive, but it is worth paying the extra for the results that you get.

After washing my hair, I use this shampoo in conjunction with Moroccanoil®COLOR CARE CONDITIONER, using this both seals and repairs the hair and infuses Argan oil into the cortex.

I would highly recommend these products to everyone who colors their hair.

Read – Grey Hair – Cover Up At Home

 Moroccanoil Treatment

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Hair Type:

For All Hair Types

What It Does:

Get the silky, shiny and healthy hair you’ve always wanted. Moroccanoil® Treatment is the product that originated oil-infused hair care and brought the worldwide buzz on argan oil. They lay the foundation for hair styling, Moroccanoil Treatment can be used in many ways; as a conditioning, styling or finishing tool. It comes with antioxidant-rich argan oil and shine-boosting vitamins. The vitamins and UV protection will guard your hair against sun damage, and promote strength and elasticity. This hair treatment helps to detangle hair, speeds up drying time and increase shine, leaving you with manageable, nourished and smooth hair with each use.

How To Use:

Apply 1–2 pumps of Moroccanoil® Treatment to washed towel-dried hair, from mid-length to ends. You can either blow-dry or let dry naturally. Apply to dry hair to tame flyaways, to condition those nasty split ends, and to help smooth hair. It can also be applied before dying or bleaching your hair to promote color absorption.

Helpful Tip – Mix 3 – 4 drops of Moroccanoil Treatment with Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating Mask, Weightless Hydrating Mask or Restorative Hair Mask to give some added nourishment.


Just incredible stuff! I use this every day on my dry and damaged hair, and it makes my hair incredibly smooth, soft, no frizz, and adds an insane amount of hydration, so if you suffer from dry, damaged hair then this is the product for you! It smells absolutely divine, and it lasts ages! It’s has a thick consistency so rub it in between palms to warm it a little and start with the ends of your hair.

Also, its perfect to use in the summer when everyone’s hair tends to get dry with the sun and heat, the way this hydrates hair has to be seen to be believed. The other good thing about this product, it doesn’t require a lot to work its magic, only 2 or 3 drops is enough so a bottle does last a long time.

People seem to think that because its called ‘oil’ it will make your hair greasy, I use it and I can safely say it doesn’t make my hair look greasy at all, so you don’t need to have any concerns regarding that issue.

As with most of the Moroccanoil products, this is a little on the expensive side, but definitely worth it as the quality and what this product can do for your hair, it’s truly amazing! I recommend all the Moroccanoil products, and you won’t regret buying them.

Have you used any of the Moroccanoil Hair Products, how did they work for your hair? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Women’s Hair Care – Maintaining Healthy Hair

Hair Reflection

Using the correct products for your hair is essential not only to enhance the hair’s natural state but also to give it nourishment.

When it comes to looking and feeling good, women’s hair care is a number one priority!

No matter the color, feel or style, we would all like to have hair that looks like it has been groomed, nurtured and perfected by a salon professional on a daily basis, right?

However, today’s crazy lifestyle and a full schedule can wreak havoc with how elegant our hair looks; mornings are a frantic rush against the clock, a lack of time doesn’t allow us to apply conditioner in the shower.

We blow dry our hair, apply straighteners or tongs, we pull, drag and twist without any thought for the damage we are inflicting to our precious locks.

Then we wonder why our hair is looking flat, dull and lifeless, or even worse starting to fall out!

So ladies isn’t it time to give your hair some much-needed TLC and give a lot more consideration to the products we buy, and the chemicals they contain before we apply them to our bedraggled hair!

We spend a staggering amount of money on shampoo, conditioner, bath and shower products each year. So, what is the actual cost of using these products to our body? With eczema and dermatitis problems rising, should we be concerned about the products that we use to clean our hair and skin?

So, before we move on to how we like our hair styled, let us take a look at what products we are using on a daily basis, and if in fact, they are not creating some of the problems we face when trying to get our hair looking elegant, you may be surprised at what we find!

Many of us, at least two or three times a day will strip oils, grease, and dirt from our skin, using potentially harmful shampoos soaps and shower gels.

hair styled

Sulfates and Hair Care:

People are now more aware of the damaging effect hair shampoo and conditioners that contain Sulfates (SLS) can have not only to hair but their skin as well. SLS is believed to irritate the skin by upsetting the natural oils that maintain the skin’s balance. This not only leads to damage but also reduces the skin’s ability to keep out allergens – such as SLS – that may trigger reactions such as eczema and sensitivity.

The three types of Sulfate that can cause damage:

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate – (SLES)
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – (SLS)
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate – (ALS)

Chances are most people will have shampoo that contains one or all three of these Sulfates right now.

Most of these chemicals can be found not only in shampoo but cleaning and hygiene products also, such as toothpaste, soaps, and detergents.

The reason you see them in shampoo is that they act as the foaming agent, it is true that we all think if the shampoo we use doesn’t create an abundance of bubbles, it’s not cleaning our hair thoroughly.

These Sulfates appeal to manufacturers because they are cheap to add to products, and they are very good at removing the unpleasant oily build-up some people get on their hair and scalp, but at what cost?

While its true that there has been a lot of testing on the safety of using products that contain these chemicals, an increasing number of reports points to it not being good for your hair or skin.

So, If you continue to use shampoo that contains Sulfates, you risk causing damage to your hair, in both appearance and condition, unless these Sulfates are listed way down on the ingredients label, it is best to avoid buying shampoo with them in it.

If you have a sensitive scalp and facial skin you need to be aware that prolonged use of products that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate can lead to skin irritation. While most peoples reactions are minor, others can have severe allergic reactions, such as red rash, very itchy skin and the possibility of hives, even your eyes can become red and irritated.

As most shampoos now contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, the quantities may vary for different shampoos, the latter is highly comedogenic and known to cause breakouts for some people.


Shampoo’s that are meant to help with hair loss also have these Sulfates. Studies show that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate damages the hair follicle, if that happens there is a good chance it will contribute to hair loss, not aid it!

What is more surprising is how high up you will find this in the ingredients of  these shampoos (top six) which point’s to a high percentage of Sulfate.

A bottle of shampoo that contains only 0.5% of concentrated chemical that has sulfates in it can irritate your skin. You can find some shampoos that have alarmingly high concentrations of compounds with sulfates, between 10 and 30% so you can see the potential that has to irritate your skin.

Sulfates are great for cleaning oily, greasy buildup; however when used on a long-term basis they also remove essential oils from your hair, these naturally producing oils are what nourish your body and hair, without these your hair becomes dry and brittle with nasty split ends.

Also, for people who suffer from oily hair and scalp, it can exacerbate the problem as the dryness may promote more secretion of oil.

Alternatives to Sulfates:

So, isn’t it time to start looking for Sulfate-free shampoos? Yes, its true they still contain surfactants, but they are usually milder and have minimal irritation to skin, such as decyl glucose, coco glucoside, and lauryl glucoside. However, Sulfosuccinates are suitable for body washes and shampoos with high oil content (up to 50%) they are effective cleansers that produce high foam but are considered a gentler sulfate. Most people are happy with these ingredients, although these may still cause minor irritation to people who have overly sensitive skin.

sis freeWhat you need to look for are shampoos that contain 100% natural and organic ingredients. As with most organic products there are many benefits from them, along with fewer chemicals on your body, your hair is going to feel softer and cleaner with this type of shampoo, and your skin is certainly going to appreciate it.

Yes, sulfate free shampoo is going to cost a little more but isn’t it a price worth paying for the relief you are going to give to your hair and scalp?

A very good example of this is Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo, it is Sulfate-free, phosphate-free and paraben-free.


Vitamins and Supplements for Hair:

Hair growth supplements come in the form of vitamins or herbal supplements that are used to improve hair density and healthy hair growth and regrowth.

In both men and women, hair loss is the result of a mixture of genetic and hormonal circumstances. It can also be due to side effects from medication-steroids, illness or medical treatment such as chemotherapy, long periods of stress that not only affects your hair but can have damaging consequences to your overall health, also auto-immune disorders and thyroid problems can all lead to your hair suffering.

If you believe your hair loss is a result of health-related issues, you should consult your doctor, treat the medical condition and see if this resolves your hair problems.

Hair loss can be due to a poor diet or a nutritional deficiency, and in these circumstances, hair growth supplements may help. A good, well-balanced diet will also help with your overall health.

Although there are many vitamins, plant extracts, and herbal supplements to help healthy hair growth, these can only promote hair growth if you lack in vitamins or nutrients.

scented hair


Supplements or vitamins to help hair growth:

  • Iron
  • Vitamin A, B, D, and E
  • Zinc
  • Amino Acids
  • Omega Acids – especially omega-3 fatty acids.


Iron – This is essential for hair growth. If your iron levels are low (anaemia), less iron is supplied to hair follicles, this disrupts your hair growth cycle and result in hair loss for some people. You can increase your iron count by taking supplements or by adding these foods to your diet – red meat, fish, lentils, spinach, green vegetables.

Vitamin A – This is needed by the body to produce an oil known as sebum; this helps to keep the scalp conditioned and healthy. If we don’t provide enough sebum, the scalp can become irritated or itchy, and lead to your hair becoming dry and brittle. A pre-stage of ‘Vitamin A’ can be found in orange or yellow vegetables such as carrots or pumpkins.

Vitamin C – An antioxidant that assists the body to absorb iron and helps with the production of collagen. Good sources of Vitamin C can be found in blueberries, kiwis, oranges, and sweet potato.

Vitamin D – This is a vitamin that can help to reduce stress and depression and will be found in healthy hair follicles. Vitamin D is vital to healthy cell reproduction, which is why it is so important for hair growth. It can be found in oily fish, eggs, and mushrooms.

Vitamin E – This is an important supplement that will protect hair and skin from sun damage. Nuts, broccoli, avocados are a great source of vitamin E.

Zinc – This helps to regulate the level of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body, this hormone is known to cause hair loss. If your zinc levels are low, your body will produce more DHT, so leading to hair loss. You can find zinc in sesame seeds, fish, eggs, and nuts.

Amino acids – Are thought to be necessary for hair growth because they help the body to produce keratin and grow hair. Amino acids can be found in protein-rich foods like dairy products, meat, and eggs.

Omega acids – such as omega-3, are essential fats that your body does not produce. Omega-3 acids provide essential oils that help to keep your scalp both healthy and hydrated. These oils can be found in oily fish, avocado, and pumpkin seeds.

It important that you only take the recommended daily dose of these vitamins or nutrients, if you take too much of something it can be as detrimental to your hair and skin as taking too little of something.


Nourkin Woman 3 Months Supply
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Nourkrin is a supplement that nourishes the hair and helps to aid the normal hair growth cycle. It contains nutritional supplement marilex which is fish extract and Biotin. Nourkrin should be taken regularly for a minimum period of at least six months.

As Nourkrin contains fish extract, it is not suitable for anyone allergic to fish or shellfish. You should avoid taking Nourkrin if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

What is Biotin, does it help your hair to grow?

Biotin is a water-soluble B-vitamin and is also known as vitamin H, and it is recommended for strengthening hair and nails.

Biotin is a vitamin found typically in fish and works to break down certain fats and carbohydrates in the body. Biotin is often used in supplements for hair loss and brittle nails, particularly by pregnant women.

If you do not get sufficient Biotin in your diet, your hair may become weak and brittle, and this can lead to hair loss. You can prevent this by taking biotin supplements or by eating plenty of biotin-rich foods such as whole grains, liver, yeast, nuts and seeds, and salmon. Egg yolks are another biotin-rich food with one whole cooked egg providing up to 10mcg.

Do Supplements work?

Unless you are diagnosed with a severe deficiency in a specific vitamin, mineral or nutrient, you are unlikely to see overwhelming hair growth or regrowth, but the appearance of your hair should look stronger and healthier.

However, it is imperative to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. You should still make sure you are eating well and getting your recommended daily vitamin and nutrient intake.

How to care for your hair:

Women who have changed their hair washing routines, say it is because they are worried about damage to their hair as the main reason for change, so how often should you be shampooing?

Hair experts argue that less is more.

Over-washing can be hurting your hair, especially if you have bleached, colored, or chemically treated hair or it is naturally very dry or porous. Washing your hair every day strips away the natural oils and proteins that you require to keep your hair and scalp healthy, so do try to limit hair washing to three or four times a week. However, this can depend on your hair type.

Does hair get used to the same shampoo?

No, hair doesn’t get used to shampoo, it’s more a case that your hair requirements might have changed over time. If your hair has been colored or treated, you might now need a different formula, and if your hair becomes oily, try swapping to a lighter shampoo and also look for lifestyle reasons as to why it has changed.

I think it’s probably true that we need to rotate our shampoo to get the best performance from it, but the real reason is more likely to be because the products are building up on our hair and affecting it, alternating your shampoo on a regular basis can prevent this from happening.

How often should I wash my hair?

cool blonde

The finer and straighter your hair is, you will probably notice the faster your hair becomes oily. If you have this delicate type of hair, you will find that you can’t go more than two days without washing it.

The curlier your hair, the longer it allows you to go between washes, If you have thick, coarse, curly hair, this type of hair tends to be less oily, so you don’t need to wash it so often.

If you like to color your hair regularly, then it’s probably best to avoid washing your hair every day, this will stop your color from fading and your strands from becoming dry.

It is advised to leave your hair for at least 72 hours after a color has been applied before washing it, as it takes up to three days for the hair cuticle to close and trapping in the color molecules. So, If you wash your hair too soon, you risk disrupting the freshly applied color and your gorgeous new tone is likely to fade.

To help maintain your hair color, shampoo your hair with a color-protecting formula and wash using warm water, followed by a suitable conditioner, rinse out your conditioner with cold water. The warm water helps expand the hair cuticle, which allows the color-protecting agents to get in, and when you rinse with cool water, it snaps the cuticle shut and keeps the color inside.

When you do wash your hair, as we have stated, avoid shampoos that contain sulfates and silicons. Sulfates can strip the color, while silicons leave behind a residue that can have your new color looking dull.



Dry shampoo is your friend:

If you are prone to getting greasy hair, then use a little dry shampoo in between washes to soak up excess oil. However, try to avoid becoming too reliant on dry shampoo, as overusing it can lead to build-up on the scalp, this in turn will lead to clogged hair follicles, which can hinder hair growth.

Protect your hair:

Hair can be damaged by both UV light and heated tools, like straighteners, tongs, and the ever-reliable hairdryer! So, it’s vital to protect your hair when styling it.

When you blow dry your hair at home, always use a heat protector to condition your hair from the inside out to shield against damage from any heated accessories.


Also, when drying your hair, be careful not to hold the hairdryer too close to your precious locks, this will help prevent nasty split ends. Never leave your hair dryer on your hair any longer than you could keep it on your skin.

Always think of your hair like you would your skin – what you put on it is going to affect it. Investing in good quality products and accessories will keep hair looking and feeling healthy and robust.

Is blow-drying bad for your hair?

Toweling your hair dry is akin to scratching your skin with your nails as it roughens up your hair fibers and air-drying can lead to frizziness.

Pat wet hair with a towel before blow-drying, if done correctly, it is better than toweling dry or just letting your hair dry naturally.

When blow-drying, the consistent heat applied in the same direction smoothens hair cuticles and gives your hair a nice shiny appearance. It also sets hair in place and helps seal in moisture.

To combat damage from hair styling accessories try using Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection. This creates a thermal protective shield that allows hair withstand extreme heat, and provides a soft glossy finish to extend the life of every style.

Condition the right way:

A good conditioner is crucial when it comes to any hair type, at least once a month you should consider Deep Conditioning; this involves using a good quality conditioner that will put moisture and strength (protein) back into your hair.

To enable your hair to absorb the conditioner, towel-dry your hair after shampooing. Excess water will mean the conditioner will run off the hair and won’t penetrate the hair, delivering the necessary moisture to keep hair looking healthy and shiny. If you are short on time, at least squeeze out excess water before applying conditioner.

You apply the deep conditioner that is suitable for your hair type, beginning about halfway down your hair, moving towards the tips, always pay particular attention to the tips as these always seem to be drier than the rest of your hair. You can use a wide-toothed comb to ensure you spread the conditioner evenly.

Deep conditioning treatments usually require between 10 and 30 minutes on your hair, but they do vary in time so check with the product you have bought. You may now want to cover your head with a plastic shower cap; this is for two reasons.

straight shiny

One it helps to keep the conditioner in place, and the second being that some deep conditioners recommend applying heat to your hair; the cap helps to keep the heat on your hair allowing the conditioner to do its job. You do this by using your hair dryer on a LOW setting to thoroughly heat the product, taking extra care not to have the temperature too hot as you do not want to melt the plastic cap!

Rinse your hair with cool water; this will tighten the hair shaft and help your hair look shiny and well conditioned. Leave a couple of days before washing to allow the treatment to properly nourish your hair.

Brushes Combs and Styling:

No-one wants a matted and unruly head of hair, so brushing is a necessity, but don’t tear through your locks mindlessly, being too aggressive will only cause damage to your delicate strands.

Brushing from the roots pulls your hair out and inflict damage – always brush from the bottom and work up gradually, especially suitable if you have long hair.

For shiny, healthy and untangled hair, you should be brushing your hair twice a day, in the morning and just before going to bed, for about a minute each time.

So what’s the best technique?

It would be best if you had a round brush for blow-drying, a brush for styling and a tail comb to divide and move hair around.

Good brushes can be more expensive but they are worth investing in, and if you look after them they will last a lifetime.

For your own personal hygiene and to keep your brushes clean and free of dead hair, oil, and product build-up wash them at least once a month in a mixture of baking soda and warm water.

Also, the brushes and combs you use should change when your hair is wet to avoid breaking and static build-up.

Detangling CombDetangling Comb: Wide teeth are perfect for combing through wet.

When your hair is very wet, it can be harder to comb through, but it is weaker, fragile and more susceptible to breakage. It is best to put your brush aside and use a wide-tooth comb. The teeth are designed to slide through wet hair – especially if coarse, wavy or curly – much more comfortable than a brush can, and there’ll be much less damage to contend with when it’s dry.

Women’s Hair Care:

If you have fine hair:

fine hair

People with fine hair should be careful when putting anything on it containing oils like coconut, or olive oil, these are great for hydrating but can be too much if you have fine hair as the added weight will make it heavy, flat and limp. Aloe oil is an excellent alternative as it is lighter and will nourish without leaving hair looking or feeling greasy.

If you have thick hair:

thick hair

Thicker hair requires more hydration than fine textured hair due to wider strands. You need to be buying products that are moisture balancing to help hydrate drier ends and newer roots. If your hair is prone to frizzing, choose lightweight smoothing products that will control and not weigh your style down. If you do have very wavy or curly hair, a heavier cream or serum may be what you need.

African or Caribbean hair:

Afro-Carib hair

Afro and Caribbean hair can get dry because of its unique texture, which also makes it very fragile. It has distinct processing, styling and grooming needs and requires products that are specifically suited to it.

Most hairdressers comment that African-Caribbean hair is the most prone to damage of all hair textures. Issues they find with this type of hair are from product build-up on the scalp, and breakage caused by untangling the tightly-knit hair strands.

If you have coarse or curly hair:

Curly hair

Coarse, curly hair will often get dehydrated as it’s harder for natural oils to travel down and coat the entire strand. Jojoba oil and Shea butter are perfect for coarse hair as they are similar to our natural hair oils. This type of hair can be challenging to style if over-washed and become frizzy, don’t be tempted to apply anything too silicone-heavy as it will dull your color and end up causing even more frizz.

If you have colored hair:

coloured hair

Those with colored hair should avoid shampoos containing sulfates and silicons as these will strip color and leave behind a residue that is going to make your new color look dull and flat.

Exfoliate your scalp:

People today are more than happy to exfoliate their face and fully appreciate the benefits gained from doing it, so why are they not giving any thoughts to scrubbing their scalp?

Dirt, oil, and product buildup form on your scalp just as it does on any other part of your skin, and to keep your scalp and your hair healthy, periodic exfoliation is necessary to unclog your pores.

Just like the pores on your face can get blocked, your hair follicles can become clogged due to sebum buildup. If you have ever felt tiny pimples when you touch your scalp, this could indicate that your hair follicles are clogged and may have become infected by bacteria.

Also, keeping your scalp clean of sebum buildup not only ensures healthy hair follicles and in turn a healthier head of hair but it will also promote hair growth.

You may be applying hair growth tonic to your scalp, but clogged hair follicles will mean that very little of the stimulant is penetrating that buildup of sebum to reach the intended hair roots. You’ll end up wasting your hair tonic, and money!

So, you may think using clarifying shampoos that are formulated to cleanse excess buildup will cleanse the scalp also, unfortunately, these shampoos are used to remove buildup on the hair, and these are not so good at deep cleaning the scalp. To remove prolonged sebum buildup on the scalp, you’ll need to use a scalp scrub or exfoliate.

DIY scalp exfoliate:

An excellent DIY scalp exfoliate that I make and use includes Sea salt and Coconut Oil – this is both detoxifying and purifying. Also, due to the sea salt, its drying properties help if you have oily hair.

How to prepare sea salt scalp scrub:

DIY Scalp scrub

This DIY scalp scrub recipe is straightforward to follow. Put 3 to 4 tablespoons of sea salt (not table salt and certainly not rock salt) into a bowl and add coconut oil to it to make the mix slightly runny. Mix the oil and the sea salt for a few minutes, and there you have it, it’s ready!

To use, you first wet your hair, doing this will help to rub the solution into the scalp and also prevent any hair breakage.

Once you have wet your hair, gently rub the sea salt scrub onto your scalp in sections. Massage into your scalp without being too aggressive; you can add more water if the scrub becomes too dry. Massaging your scalp in this way also helps to promote better blood circulation and encourage hair growth.

Leave the solution on your scalp for a few minutes, rinse it off and shampoo. After exfoliating your scalp, this is a good time to apply your hair growth tonic. Your hair follicles are now clean and clear of any buildup and better able to absorb the nutrients.

Do this once a month will keep hair follicles clear, and your scalp will look and feel better, you may also see some new hairs appearing.


I do hope this has brought to your attention just how important it is to be extra cautious when buying women’s hair care products. Buying chemical free products will make caring for your hair and skin so much easier, and a lot more rewarding.

Also, be aware that your overall health can have a telling effect on the appearance of your hair. Maintain a good healthy diet and add the correct vitamins and supplements will have a dramatic impact on the condition of your hair.

Allow for a little ‘hair time’ once in a while, having hair that looks shiny, full and healthy does wonders for your self-confidence.

What are your concerns regarding hair products and chemicals, do you use only organic products? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.