Multivitamins – Discover The Skin Benefits

Multivitamins - Skin Benefits, Lady taking a vitamin tablet

This article will discuss the benefits of multivitamins for the skin. Multivitamins can provide essential nutrients to the skin, which can help to promote a healthy and radiant complexion. By providing the skin with the nutrients it needs, multivitamins can help to reduce the signs of ageing, improve skin texture, and protect against environmental damage. So, if you’re looking to improve the appearance of your skin, adding a multivitamin supplement to your daily routine might be the solution you need.

Vitamins and Minerals – The Difference

Vitamins and minerals are organic and inorganic substances crucial in maintaining various body functions. These essential micronutrients involve several physiological processes, such as metabolism, immune function, growth and development, and bone health. Vitamins are important organic compounds that our body cannot produce sufficiently. Hence, we need to obtain them from our diet or supplements. There are 13 vitamins, each of which has a unique function in the body. For instance, vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis, while vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption and bone health.

On the other hand, minerals are inorganic substances required in small amounts for various body functions. There are two types of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, are required in more significant amounts, while trace minerals, such as iron, zinc, and copper, are needed in smaller quantities.

Regular intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for maintaining optimal health. Inadequate intake of these essential nutrients can lead to several deficiencies and health problems. Hence, it is vital to consume a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods to meet our daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals.

Why Should I Take Multivitamins?

In today’s fast-paced society, it can be challenging to prioritize our health. Planning a well-balanced meal and ensuring we get the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables can be daunting. According to research, only 28% of adults consume the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. These foods are a significant source of essential micronutrients, indicating that many adults may face deficiencies.

Our bodies need a certain amount of each vitamin and mineral to function. The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) suggests the amount of each nutrient we should aim to obtain daily. Obtaining adequate amounts of each micronutrient allows for energy production, immune function, bone health, and support for a healthy cardiovascular system.

In pursuing a radiant complexion, the role of multivitamins in promoting skin health cannot be overstated. These comprehensive supplements offer a convenient and effective way to bolster your skin’s well-being by providing essential vitamins and minerals contributing to its overall vitality.

A healthy, balanced diet is always recommended for obtaining as much of your recommended daily micronutrient intake as possible. However, supplements are an easy way to ensure we meet our needs and reduce the risk of nutritional shortfalls.

Healthspan Multivitamins & Supplements

Healthspan - Multivitamins Benefits for the skin

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What Are the Benefits of Multivitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs to survive, grow, and work the way it should. Different vitamins and minerals have varying benefits, affecting everything from your nerves and bones to how well your blood clots.

A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains should provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. But if you can only eat healthy meals sometimes, taking supplements might help. 

Here are some potential benefits of taking multivitamins:

  • Nutritional Support: Multivitamins provide a convenient way to ensure you get essential vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your diet.
  • Skin Health: Certain vitamins, such as A, C, and E, promote healthy skin. They can help fight oxidative stress, support collagen production, and contribute to a radiant complexion.
  • Boosted Immunity: Vitamins like C and D are vital in supporting the immune system, helping your body fend off infections and illnesses.
  • Increased Energy: B vitamins, such as B6 and B12, are essential for converting food into energy, potentially reducing feelings of fatigue.
  • Improved Cognitive Function: Some multivitamins contain nutrients that support brain health, contributing to better cognitive function and focus.

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in maintaining optimal bodily functions. These essential substances aid the human body’s growth, survival, and regulation. Different vitamins and minerals serve distinct purposes, affecting various physical systems, such as the nervous and skeletal systems. Additionally, they contribute to the proper functioning of blood clotting mechanisms. Ensuring the human body receives an adequate supply of these vital nutrients is imperative to maintain optimal health.

The ABCs of Radiant Skin: A, C, and E

Vitamins A, C, and E emerge as skincare superheroes within multivitamins. Vitamin A, renowned for promoting skin cell turnover, contributes to a smoother and more youthful appearance. Meanwhile, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, shielding the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals and supporting collagen synthesis for improved elasticity. Vitamin E complements this duo by nourishing the skin and combating oxidative stress, acting as a natural defender against premature aging.

Guardians of Glow: Antioxidants for Healthy Skin

Multivitamins are packed with antioxidants that protect your skin and help to keep it’s radiant glow. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals, the culprits behind signs of aging and skin damage. By incorporating multivitamins into your routine, you equip your skin with the tools to fend off environmental stressors, leaving you with a luminous complexion reflecting your commitment to holistic skincare.

A Holistic Approach to Beauty: Beyond Multivitamins

While multivitamins contribute significantly to skin health, they are not a standalone solution. Integrating them into a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, proper hydration, and a consistent skincare routine is crucial. Remember, the path to radiant skin involves more than just what you put on your face—it’s about nourishing your body from within. Consultation with a healthcare professional can provide personalised insights into your nutritional needs, ensuring your skincare journey is compelling and tailored to your unique requirements.

Healthspan Multivitamins & Supplements

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Why Is It Important To Take Vitamins Consistently?

In line with the recommended daily intakes for different nutrients, vitamin supplements are formulated with a recommended dosage. We must adhere to this recommendation to get the best results from the supplement. Likewise, following this guidance reduces the risk of harm associated with ingesting too much of a given nutrient.

Receiving a consistent supply of nutrients means we are slowly increasing the concentration of that nutrient within our bodies. Following a micronutrient deficiency, rebuilding the insufficient nutrients in the body may take several weeks. Forgetting your supplement on the odd occasion is unlikely to affect this, but consistently failing may ensure this process is completed on time. Furthermore, water-soluble vitamins such as C and B are not stored in the body; this means inconsistent supplementation of these nutrients may affect the supplement’s efficacy.

Benefits Of Supplementation To High-Risk Groups

Daily supplementation can significantly benefit the overall health and well-being of the general public. However, routine supplementation with vitamins and minerals may also be necessary for high-risk groups. 

Women of childbearing age have a higher risk of iron deficiency. Older adults with an osteoporosis diagnosis may require higher levels of calcium and vitamin D beyond that which is available through diet. Similarly, vegetarians and vegans are more likely to be deficient in vitamin B12. Individuals with conditions that reduce the ability to absorb certain nutrients, such as Crohn’s disease, may also benefit from supplementation.

Individual Needs: Some people require different vitamins and minerals. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine your specific nutritional needs.

Conclusion on Multivitamins:

Vitamins and minerals are vital for optimal health and well-being. Without these essential micronutrients, our body’s physiological processes, including metabolism, immune function, growth and development, and bone health, can suffer. Unfortunately, research shows that many adults do not consume the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Not taking the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) can result in deficiencies and significant health problems. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize a balanced diet that includes nutrient-dense foods and supplements to meet our daily recommended intake. Doing so can improve our energy levels, support a healthy cardiovascular system, and maintain optimal health. Please don’t wait until it’s too late to take action. Take control of your health today by ensuring you get the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive.

Related Reading – What Is Double Cleansing & Is It Really Necessary 


The Medical Benefits Of CBD Oil

CBD Cannabidiol

Researchers have found therapeutic characteristics associated with CBD extracts in recent years. One such beneficial preparation is CBD oil. The benefits of CBD oil are pretty impressive.

CBD Oil And The Law

CBD Legal

The number of CBD – short for ‘Cannabidiol’ users has doubled in the last year, and you will find it being used in many things from snacks to moisturizers, it’s fair to say products that contain CBD (including oils, extracts, etc.) seem to be emerging everywhere.

The acceptance of CBD oil is currently increasing across the western world, both as a medicine used to ‘treat’ a variety of different conditions and as a general mood manager. However, when most people consider CBD oil or even the use of any cannabis compound in general, their first thoughts are of the USA; after all, nowhere else permits any kind of cannabis products, do they?

Well, you may be surprised to learn that the CBD debate in the UK has run for a heck of a long time, and it has finally culminated in the legalization of cannabis to treat a few specific conditions.

The UK has consistently been one of the most stringent modern nations against any form of cannabis legalization. Due in part to a somewhat rigid Conservative government, the UK generally has seen cannabis as a great evil.

Perhaps this is understandable given the reputation it has had dating back to the early ’60s, but, over recent years medical studies have discovered the benefits to be gained from controlled use, but the UK government has been ‘typically’ some might say, slow to act. However, this has gradually begun to change.

The UK’s progress in legalizing medicinal cannabis products will move the country’s policy to carefully follow those in places such as Canada, Holland, Portugal and the bulk of states in the USA.

How Do Authorities Think CBD Can Benefit Patients?

CBD What Are The Benefits:

Any research on cannabis in the UK has been restricted since it was classified as a schedule 1 drug with no recognized therapeutic benefits, meaning that Home Office licenses would be needed to examine or review the drug.

In an article recently published for the British Medical Journal, Professor Mike Barnes, an expert in medicinal cannabis explained: “cannabis could be useful for the treatment of chronic pain, spasticity, nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy and drug-resistant epilepsy, among other conditions.”

Importantly, CBD is a ‘non-psychoactive’ chemical compound oil, made from the flowers of the cannabis plant through various extraction methods.

It doesn’t have an effect on the central nervous system because it does not contain Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the ‘other’ crucial compound in cannabis which causes users to get ‘high.’

Video – The Health Benefits of CBD

Why Is CBD Causing A Stir In Medical Fields?

The Medicals Benefits of CBD Oil – Cannabidiol, are believed to be very significant. CBD can be obtained from two different species of the Cannabis Sativa L plant, which consist of Cannabis and Hemp. Contrary to its rival THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not make people feel ‘stoned’ or ‘high’ and can, in fact, avert the psycho activity of THC.

All of this means that products containing CBD, such as oils and extracts (which contain concentrated amounts of the compound), will not lead to changes in mood and perception in the way that recreational use of marijuana in its complete form is known to do.

As one of the benefits of CBD is the non-psychoactive effect on people, this makes it an appealing preference for people looking for relief from inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, seizures, spasms, and other conditions.

Over the last century, doctors have learned that our bodies have receptors within the brain and central nervous system. Specific authentic Cannabinoids such as CBD bind to those receptors and activate the ‘EndoCannabinoid System’ (ECS). This then produces a wide range of psychological and physical benefits helping the body.

Without getting too scientific, Cannabinoids send a signal to the body to create Endocannabinoids and increase more receptors. This helps the body to inhibit things associated with pain and inflammation, repairs cells and provides a wide range of other health benefits. Unlike other Cannabinoids, CBD is thought to be the ideal anti-inflammatory Cannabinoid.



This is the part of the law people need to be fully aware of in the UK. If a CBD product that has traces of psychoactive substances (THC ) that you find in Cannabis, this is considered to be a controlled substance under the 1971 Act and is therefore unlawful to possess and supply unless it meets the ‘exempt product’ criteria outlined in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.

Products containing CBD are not considered illegal so long as they contain only trace amounts of THC, and by this, we mean not over 0.02%.

Legal Use of CBD

Although, if products contain CBD which acknowledges medicinal benefits they must be licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Always check with the ‘local’ Laws where you are resident. (Hope that clears things up!)

Click Here – Where To Buy Quality CBD Oil Online

Are Hemp And CBD Oil Alike?

Although both are made from the same Cannabis plant, CBD oil is made from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the plant, whereas Hemp Oil is made from the seeds.

Hemp oil could contain a lot of Cannabis that may or may not contain small or large amounts of CBD.

Hemp, which contains low levels of both CBD and THC is used primarily as a food supplement owing to its high levels of vitamins B and E. It is also rich in antioxidants and is a predominant in health food products.

In oil form, it’s often found in shampoos and lotions throughout the world.

The Medical Benefits Of CBD?

When administered in small, regulated doses, CBD oil provides an anticonvulsant effect on your brain. By doing so, it reduces the severity of seizures and improves seizure control. In some youngsters, it has been found to adjust sleep patterns and behavioral changes.

CBD also has fewer side effects when compared to THC. You cannot develop a tolerance for CBD when used for any length of time, and there are barely any withdrawal symptoms.

It is also used for anxiety and as an antidepressant, this oil has been seen to reduce anxiety, depression, treat insomnia, and to control panic attacks caused by stress in children.

Children and teenagers with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who used CBD oil showed noticeable improvements.

Research in this field is yet to understand what influence CBD’s have on the brain entirely, but there is sufficient promising data to prove the potential this oil has on such patients.

CBD Can Reduce Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Relief

Historically, CBD has been known to provide relief to people suffering from migraines, tension related headaches, and chronic daily headaches.

Also, people who are suffering from chronic pain in the back, neck, or shoulders, menstrual cramps, and migraines do not always respond to routine opioid painkillers. In the before-mentioned cases, CBD oil with traces of THC comes as a huge relief to these people.

A soothing, fragrant balm infused with 180mg cannabidiol, essential oils, and relaxing lavender.

CBD Balm

Healthspan CBD Balm

Healthspan’s CBD Balm:

Key features
  • Contains 180mg of high quality, broad−spectrum CBD extract
  • Made using a soothing coconut oil and beeswax base
  • Infused with natural, essential oils including eucalyptus, arnica and sunflower
  • With aromatic chamomile and relaxing lavender

Healthspan’s CBD Balm is infused with 180mg of broad−spectrum CBD oil. All Healthspan’s CBD oil is 100% natural, sourced from legally grown EU hemp plants and cultivated without any harmful pesticides. The balm also contains a selection of expertly blended essential oils from nature, such as eucalyptus, arnica, sunflower, lavender and chamomile. This results in a relaxing and aromatic scent, with floral tones and calming lavender.

Treat Side Effects Linked With Cancer

Finding a cure for cancer is the massive dilemma that doctors and scientists desperately want to attain.

Chemotherapy is one solution offered to slow its growth. However, it has many side effects like nausea, dehydration, loss of appetite, fatigue, and a weak immune system.

Although CBD oil is not a cure for cancer, using it can help to prevent suffering some of the side effects you get from chemotherapy treatment. This is because CBD can activate particular receptors on the brain cells that produce anti-nausea like effects.

Help Contain Neurodegenerative – Neurological Disorders

People suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, and other neurodegenerative and motor disorders, these can be managed by taking regulated doses of CBD oil.

It enhances the quality of life for these patients, preventing extreme behavioral changes, reduces anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, post-traumatic stress and progressive memory loss (dementia).

In motor disorders patients aged 1-17 yrs, CBD oil reduces the intensity of spasms, improves spasticity, and controls myalgia (muscle pains) due to it having analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How To Take CBD Oil – Daily Intake

Picture showing CBD droplets

If you are still considering using CBD oil for its amazing benefits, here are some things you might want to keep in mind:

Pure CBD (hemp) oil can be consumed orally in small doses – as directed. Taken as a nutritional supplement, it contains good fats (EFA), vitamins E and A, and many minerals.

The intake of CBD is mainly dependent on the BMI (Body Mass Index) of the individual and the problem that’s being addressed.

Doses of CBD oil or extracts can vary, ranging from 1 mg/day up to approx’ 1000 mg per/day is deemed to be safe.

Each one of us reacts to a ‘set’ dose of CBD uniquely. Do not try to self-medicate or work out a CBD oil dosage without proper medical supervision/advice.

Click Here – Where To Buy Quality CBD Oil Online

Important Information – Caution

Information Key

It is still illegal to use or procure CBD or similar products in some parts of the world. The law in different parts of the world varies greatly, so do check it is okay to use it where ever you maybe living.

Also, it is worth pointing out that ‘CBD Oil’ is available to buy over the internet, most of these items are unlikely to meet the required purity standards and may, therefore, be illegal and probably dangerous. You have to be 100% sure you are purchasing from a reputable company when buying CBD or any health products online.

Follow legal procedures, if any, to obtain the best/ the purest CBD oil.

Consult your physician and/or psychologist to decide the correct dosage for you.

So, we come to the obvious question on peoples mind, and something they are fascinated to know –

What Are The Side Effects Of Using CBD Oil?

CBD Bottle and Plant

CBD being a component of marijuana, there are possibilities of having side effects when you take CBD oil in very high doses.

It is also possible that the oil itself might have traces of psychoactive ingredients like THC. The CBD oil might not give you a ‘high’ but can result in any or all of the symptoms listed below:

• Diarrhoea

• Drowsiness

• Vomiting

• Nausea

• Low blood pressure

• Dry mouth

• Anorexia

• Insomnia

• Psychotic effects (only in very high doses and/or mixed doses with THC)

This is why it is imperative that you seek the correct medical advice.

Although there is still a tremendous demand for research to back it, Cannabidiol Oil is plainly going to gain more recognition in the world of medicine because of the encouraging effects it has on our body.

Always consult a doctor if you have any queries/questions regarding the suitable dosage, instructions, make, or symptoms of an overdose of CBD in your body.

Misusing CBD oil can have harmful effects, please remember it is important to be used correctly and in moderation.

Final Say On CBD Oil

When Trying CBD Oil

All said and done, one thing is obvious – The Medical Benefits of CBD Oil are very impressive, and it does bring relief to people with serious health issues, and has multiple unexplored benefits that still require years of research and better understanding.

Have you tried ‘CBD Oil’? What condition were you using it for, did it help ? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Facts And Myths About Skin Care

health facts

Skin is our largest organ, and when it’s healthy, it’s something we may take for granted. We are frequently seeing misleading ‘facts and myths’ about our skin, and what is good and bad for it appearing in gossip columns all too regularly. Here we look at stories we see time and again that can be cleared up immediately and supply some facts you can rely on as we try to put some clarity to ‘Facts And Myths About Healthy Skin.’

Skin Continually Renews Itself:

This Is True. The skin provides an effective barrier between your body’s inner environment and the outside world. The epidermis (the outer layer of skin) has cells called keratinocytes that are constantly dividing to be replaced by new cells that move up through the dermis. This process of renewal is basically exfoliation (shedding) of the epidermis. Skin is a fertile source of stem cells with the capability to divide and renew themselves.

Drink 2L Of Water A Day For Healthy Skin:

This Is Not True. The volume of water you drink does not directly influence the skin. Water arrives at the skin by blood flowing through the dermis, the inner layer of skin; water is lost from the epidermis, as you sweat and especially in a hot, dry climate.


Water is needed to sustain skin hydration and when you become severely dehydrated your skin will look dull and has less elasticity. For a person who is healthy the internal organs – heart, kidneys, and blood vessels – control the amount of water that reaches the skin. So, in fact, there is no fixed volume of water that you need to drink, it merely depends on the amount of water that you are using and subsequently losing.

Read – Benefits Of Drinking Water For Your Skin

Stress Can Make Skin Unhealthy:

This Is True. People suffer from many health issues in today’s hectic lifestyle that we blame on stress, various skin conditions have been determined in scientific studies that are affected by life events, likely by stress hormones including cortisol – this is a steroid hormone made in the adrenal glands.


Most notable are alopecia areata, this is an auto-immune condition where the body’s immunity starts to attack the hair follicles which eventually leads to hair falling out; Psoriasis is another auto-immune disease that causes skin thickening, inflammation, and scaling; and eczema, itchy red skin inflammation often occurring alongside asthma, hay fever, and other allergies. Regrettably, a flare-up of these skin conditions is precisely what you don’t need when you are feeling stressed or under pressure.

Eating Chocolate Causes Acne:

This Is Not True. Acne vulgaris is the typical ‘teenage’ acne which can actually persist into your 30’s and 40’s, this occurs as a result of the interaction between hormonal influences on grease glands in the skin, plus the skin’s immune retort to blocked pores and microbes living on the surface of the skin.

bar of chocolate

Eating a high-fat diet is unhealthy for numerous reasons, but it is not the cause of acne. In fact, you will find that some medication prescribed for severe acne such as oral Isotretinoin Capsules, that are for teenagers and adults, are better absorbed when the pills are swallowed with a fatty meal – it’s best to take them straight after a meal or snack to make sure they work correctly, and that could include chocolate.

Obviously, overdoing the pizza and chocolate bars isn’t good for your health or your waistline, so do try to follow a healthy diet.

Washing Powder Causes Eczema:

This Is Not True. Firstly, Eczema is a condition where the skin becomes dry, itchy, red and can be extremely painful. The cause of it is a combination of genetic factors (how your skin is made) and environmental influences, leading to the inflammation.

There is no doubt that soap, detergents and washing powders can irritate the skin and contribute to dryness because they are made to remove oil and grease (just as washing-up liquid removes grease from dishes) so consequently when they come into contact with the skin they will remove some of the natural oil from it.

Biological washing powders are made with enzymes so that these proteins break down fats and proteins to remove stains, so if you do suffer from sensitive skin or eczema, this may well react if it comes into contact with them, but they are not the cause of Eczema. It is vital that any washing power is thoroughly rinsed out of clothing before it is worn, to avoid skin irritation.

CeraVe Face and Body CreamCeraVe Face and Body Cream –

Read – The Effect Chemicals Can Have On The Skin

White Marks On Nails Indicates Calcium Deficiency:

This Is Not True. Nails are formed in the nail matrix, an area under the skin at the top edge of your nail. If the matrix is traumatized, bumped or damaged in any way, an abnormality in the developing nail occurs, and ‘air-pocket’ can become trapped. This ‘air-pocket’ then appears as a white mark as the nail grows out. Calcium is vital for healthy nails (as well as bones and teeth), but these white marks are not a sign of Calcium deficiency.

Sunshine Is Good For You:

This Is Both True & False. Many people have experienced the feel-good factor that comes with a bright, sunny day, but, as many of us are aware, there are good and bad effects from the sunlight. Light from the sun includes a mix of different wavelengths of light: some can be seen by the human eye, some are shorter than the colors we can see, these are called ultraviolet (UV) and some are longer, the infrared. These different wavelengths have different effects on the skin.

lady facing the sun

UVB is used by skin to produce vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. But, if we don’t get enough sun exposure, this vitamin must be obtained from our diet.

The problem occurs when the skin is exposed to too much UV, it can damage the skin cells’ DNA, leading to uncontrolled growth, and the source of cancer. A simple rule to follow is, that unless you have a disease or treatment that suppresses your immune system, sunshine is beneficial for you in moderation, but always avoid getting sunburned.

Dermatologists do use specific wavelengths of UVA and UVB in carefully controlled doses to manage and reduce skin inflammation, an invaluable treatment for some skin conditions.

It’s essential to ensure that your skin is sufficiently protected whenever it is exposed to the sun, even if it is cloudy and not a particularly hot, sunny day you must apply sunscreen.

When purchasing a sunscreen, you have to look for the SPF ‘Sun Protection Factor’ The higher the number of SPF, the greater your skin will be protected from the sun.

When you look at sunscreens, they are placed into four categories: Low Sun Protection (SPF 6 to 14) Medium Sun Protection (SPF 15 to 29) High Sun Protection (SPF 30 to 50) and Very High Sun Protection (SPF 50 +).                      It is recommended that you opt for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

sunscreen face

In addition to SPF, it’s imperative that you take note of the UVA Star* rating of the sunscreen that you purchase. You should always buy a sunscreen that displays a UVA Star* rating of at least four stars out of a possible five.

Sunscreens with a high SPF protects against dangerous UVB (ultraviolet B rays), while the UVA Star* rating indicates to what extent the sun’s ultraviolet A rays are absorbed by the sunscreen and not into the skin.

It’s the penetration of UVA rays into the skin can that leads to the appearance of premature aging, while on the other hand, exposure to UVB rays is associated with the risk of developing skin cancer.

Even if you’re skin is not prone to getting sunburn, it’s still worth investing in a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or 50 so that you can relax a little easier knowing that you’ve taken steps to protect your skin.

The other important factor apart from the SPF and UVA star rating that it is vital to reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours throughout the day, especially if you’ve been in water or played sports and sweated a lot, and rubbed the sunscreen off.

Keep It Simple – But Effective:

beautiful skin+commitment

The basic principles to keeping your skin healthy are to apply a lot of common sense. You need to wash your skin regularly to remove dirt, but not so much that you remove the essential oils and moisture and water-proofing substances. Use a good moisturizer to prevent your skin from getting dry and feeling tight. Do your best to avoid stressful situations if at all possible. Eat a healthy diet and drink water, you will know you have not had enough water to drink if you begin to feel thirsty, try to prevent that from happening! And finally, protect your skin from too much sun with a hat, clothing, and sunscreen.

Have you heard about these ‘Facts and Myths’ or any others that may affect your skin? I would love to hear about them. Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil Benefits – Maintaining Healthy Skin

Olive Oil and Olives

We are regularly made aware of how good Olive Oil is for our health both internally and externally, even more so Extra Virgin Olive Oil benefits (EVOO).

Which Country Produces the best Olive Oil?

The choice of olive oil is a personal one, based on individual taste and preferences, some might say that Greek olive oil is as tasty as the equivalent Spanish or Italian oil. In truth, few people could spot the difference between Spanish, Italian, Greek or Turkish Olive Oil!

olive oil with symbols

In the end, preference may come down to the oil’s freshness, quality, and the way one uses it in their kitchen, either for salads, on bread, or as a cooking ingredient.

There is unquestionably a distinction between Olive Oil producing countries, the Olive trees from Greece, Spain, and Italy not only vary in species but are dependent on the local climate and soil conditions which influence the oil’s flavor. But while most people can acknowledge its freshness or even its acidity, the subtle differences between the different types of olive oils which indicate the country of origin may be obvious only to professional olive oil tasters.

Olive Oil + Olives

Spain exports significant quantities of olive oil to markets in the US, the UK, Portugal, Australia, France and interestingly, quite a bit of it is sold to Italy! One of Spain’s best sellers is Venta Del Barón Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Awarded World’s Best Olive Oil award four consecutive years and Made in Andalusia, Spain.

The Italian population consumes more olive oil than it produces. To meet demand, it supplements local produce with imports from Greece and Spain. Therefore, what people buy in supermarkets as Italian olive oil may, in fact, have a different country of origin. Nonetheless, Italy markets olive oil very favorably as a ‘national’ product.

Olive oil is mostly used in the food sector, but its other uses include fuel production, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the manufacture of soaps.

Cooking With Olive Oil:

The quality and flavor of Extra Virgin Olive Oil’s are more desirable for cold food purposes such as salad dressings, and as the finishing touches to soups, dips, pasta or pizza.

But when you are cooking and applying Olive Oil to a stir-fry, or you are cooking other high-temperature dishes or roasts, extra virgin olive oil isn’t as suitable because it has too low a smoke point and will overheat and may produce harmful chemicals; also the nutritional benefits are quickly lost.

This is why it is a good idea to keep a bottle of ‘standard’ Olive Oil in your kitchen to cook with, it is better suited for deep frying or roasting as it has a higher smoke point – meaning that you won’t be carrying the food through the smoke point as the higher temperatures are reached. A fine example is an Olive Oil called La Española.

Smoke Point of various Oils:

Coconut oil: 347°F (175°C)
EVOO: 383°F (195°C)
Safflower oil: 414°F (212°C)
La Española Pure Olive Oil: 446°F (230°C)
Canola oil: 460°F (238°C)

Also, the flavor won’t be as noticeable when cooked at high temperatures, so there is no reason to use the far more expensive ‘Extra Virgin’ grade Olive Oils.

      La Española Pure Olive Oil For Cooking

La Espanola Olive Oil Light In Colour suitable for high temperature cooking See On –

Established in 1840, La Espańola is an iconic Spanish olive oil brand. Made from fresh olives grown in the Andalucia region in the south of Spain,100% authentic Spanish olive oil is of the highest quality. Each year, this small province produces more olive oil than all of Italy.

This refined olive oil, blended with virgin olive oil creates a cooking oil which is gentle and subtle in flavor.
Without losing the essential properties of olive oil, La Española Pure Olive Oil has a ‘smoking point’ of 230°C and is ideal for heating and thus perfect for grilling & roasting.
With La Española Olive Oil you can savor the essence of the Mediterranean diet in every dish. Taste it for yourself!

Did You Know?

Used correctly Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a great source of what we know as good fat and antioxidants and features prominently in the healthy Mediterranean Diet and has many health benefits.

Made from the first pressing of the ripe olives, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is at it’s most flavorsome, as it is pure and with the minimal processing. In a very similar way to wine, olive oil has a complex variety of flavors to look out for, you can expect to find a balance of fruit, spice, and pepper.

But, a word of advice, unlike wine, you will see that olive oil does not improve with age, so don’t save it for best, use liberally and to prolong the shelf life look for a dark glass container, as light can rapidly reduce the oil quality.

You will notice the color of extra virgin olive oil can vary from a mix of green and yellow to golden green, this will depend on the variety of olives used and the country and climate they were grown in. It is Lovingly referred to as the ‘Nectar of the Gods’.

Topical Skin Care Use:

Olive oil has long had a history of being used as a home skin care treatment. Japan was the highest importer of olive oil in Asia in 2000 – consumers there believe the ingestion and topical administration of olive oil to be helpful for both skin and health.

girl wet hair 1

It is recommended to use the best certified-organic, non-GMO, cold-pressed, and unrefined extra-virgin olive, such as Venta Del Barón due to the fact it is produced without the use of heat or chemical refining and contains the highest concentration of olive oil’s beneficial compounds. Also, it has zero preservatives or additives that can be harmful to the body.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil offers some benefits to the skin, including vitamins, antioxidants, and antibacterial effects. It is very effective as a moisturiser around the delicate skin surrounding the eye area, plus nourishes eyelashes the same way conditioner works on the hair. Also, for cuticles, olive oil keeps them moist and soft so as to encourage strong, healthy, active nail growth.

However, it should be stated that the research on any benefits gained from the use of Olive Oil on the face and skin is limited.

Benefits of Olive Oil – Face and Body:

As an Antioxidant:

Olive oil works as an antioxidant, which is a chemical compound that guards cells against the effects of free radicals that prevents oxidation. Oxidation, this is a process that produces free radicals, these are chemicals that can potentially damage cells and may lead to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

When it is applied to the skin antioxidants may prevent premature aging. Also, some research suggests that olive oil may be beneficial when applied following sun exposure and may fight off cancer-causing cells.

Scientists do need to carry out more research in this area to better understand the impact of olive oil’s antioxidant properties on the human skin.

Vitamin Content:

Olive oil contains the fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E, and K. These vitamins may be useful for the skin.

vitamin a d e k

The vitamin E oil has been used topically for centuries to treat many skin conditions, these include eczema and psoriasis.

Antibacterial Effects:

Olive oil has shown to have antibacterial properties.

One study looked at the benefits of using olive oil and coconut oil on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (the most frequent type of staph infection is the boil, pus that develops in a hair follicle or oil gland) on the skin. The results found that both oils displayed antibacterial properties, but virgin coconut oil was found to be more effective at eliminating the bacteria.

Although olive oil can be used to treat bacterial infections, there have been only been a few studies on olive oil’s capacity to control bacteria on the skin, more research is needed.

Moisturizing Effects:

Extra Virgin Olive oil can be applied as a natural moisturizer to soften both the skin and hair.

The EVOO is applied as a moisturizer directly to the skin and then blot off any excess oil; also, the oil can be applied to damp skin to prevent a greasy feeling.


To use EVOO to exfoliate the face and body and treat areas of dry or scaly skin, mix olive oil and sea salt to make a scrub.

You should use fine-grained salt on the face and other sensitive areas, and slightly coarser grains on the rest of the body.

People with dry areas may also benefit from applying to the face an olive oil-based face mask. Olive oil can be mixed with ingredients such as egg white, honey, or ground oats, these can help soften and hydrate the face.

To Remove Eye Make-Up:

removing eye makeup

Olive oil breaks down any water-resistant substances you find in eye makeup, allowing you to wipe them away more efficiently and with less aggravation to the delicate skin around the eyes.

To remove your eye makeup, just add a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to a cotton ball and gently wiping the make-up around the eyes being careful not to get it into the eye.

Wrinkle Treatment:

Olive oil may be used on the face, it can help prevent early signs of aging on the skin and wrinkles. The oil can be daubed around the eye area at night or following sun exposure taking care not to get it into the eye.

Scar oil:

The vitamins and other antioxidants you find in olive oil may fade scars by helping skin cells to regenerate.

You massage the undiluted oil into scars, or you can mix it with a few drops of lemon juice to treat the areas of hyperpigmentation, where you find the skin has darkened due to scarring.

Olive oil may also be applied to try to prevent or reduce stretch marks, although studies on its effectiveness have found mixed results.

Again, there is very little evidence that applying olive oil to the skin helps prevent or reduce stretch marks.

Personal Care:

Exfoliate Face

Olive oil is an ingredient found in numerous personal care products, these include face wash, body wash, soap, and lotions.

Risks of applying Olive Oil to the Skin:

Children’s skin is extremely delicate, and eczema may develop if olive oil is used on a child’s skin.

Although some studies have shown that the use of olive oil can benefit the skin, as with most products, it may not be suitable for everyone, and ‘patch’ tests should be carried out before applying to the skin.

Using Low-Quality Olive Oil:

Finally, be sure to only choose Organic Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil over blends.

The use of high-quality olive oil is essential, using low-quality oils they may contain additives or chemicals that could irritate or damage the skin.

Have you used Olive Oil on your skin, did you find it to be helpful with a particular skin problem? Does it help your skin to look and feel better? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Mediterranean Diet For Health Benefits And Maintaining Healthy Skin

Mediterranean Village

Generally considered one of the healthiest diets on the planet, the Mediterranean diet can do miracles for your general health and just as crucial for the health of your skin.

Strange then that today we still don’t take this knowledge on board, and include some of these ancient Mediterranean foods directly and easily into our own diets to boost our overall health, in body and skin.

Mediterranean Diet For Health Benefits And Maintaining Healthy Skin:

A favorite of health professionals, its benefits are backed by a considerable amount of scientific research. Studies have shown that by adhering to the Mediterranean Diet for health benefits and maintaining healthy skin you can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of various diseases, keeps bones strong and healthy, protects the brain and memory, and gives you healthy radiant looking skin.

There is more than good genes, myth and magic lying behind the generally healthy and cared for skin you see among Mediterranean people. They use make-up and skincare products in abundance just like the rest of us. But, they have some excellent skin building blocks in place in the form of great food; the so-called traditional Mediterranean diet.

Your diet can have both a positive and negative effect on the condition of your skin, your body’s largest organ, and the benefits of these ingredients for both the body and beauty.

Your skin will be at its healthiest providing you are getting the nutrients it requires from the food you eat, it is what you eat that plays a significant part in how your skin looks, feels and importantly shields you from daily pollutants.

Also, a recent study published in the ‘British Journal of Nutrition’ advises that following the Mediterranean diet can increase your life expectancy, even for people aged 65 and older.

Read – Help For Sensitive Skin – Your Diet Can Make A Difference!

The Mediterranean Diet – Improve Your Skin:

boy and girl on motorbike

Dieticians will happily tell you that what the Mediterranean diet does to improve your health, it can do for your skin also. The condition of your skin is crucial to your overall well-being since this is your body’s primary defense against the outside world. By sticking to the Mediterranean diet can help you enjoy glowing, radiant skin.

This eating plan encourages lots of olive oil, which is full of vitamin E and antioxidants that strive to hydrate and nourish your skin. The occasional glass of Red wine, which is recommended in moderation, contains resveratrol, which can even repress the growth of acne-causing bacteria. And tomatoes, another favorite Mediterranean staple, helps protect skin cells – also helping to prevent cancer caused by sun exposure.

The diet emphasizes eating vegetables, fish, whole grains, and healthy fats – encouraging a high intake of fiber and moderate consumption of meats and alcohol, and lots of antioxidants. Foods that are high in antioxidants will protect and enhance the skin.

One of the worst foods eat for your skin is sugar, it is the cause of inflammation in the body and one of the reasons for the breakdown of collagen in the skin, a fibrous protein that helps to keep the skin firm.

With the loss of collagen, this leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.

A diet that is high in unhealthy processed foods and refined carbohydrates will also accelerate aging of the skin.

Eat A Balanced Diet – Protect Your Skin:

Mediterranean Food

The world-famous Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the most beneficial diets for your skin.

It is full of antioxidants to help repair skin damage and healthy fats to keep the elasticity of the skin.

The Diet is based on plenty of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, pulses, and whole grains, other vital components are fish, olive oil and small amounts of red wine. A limited amount of unprocessed meat, eggs, and dairy are allowed, and the diet is naturally low in added sugar, refined grains, and unhealthy processed foods.

A key feature is the healthy sources of fats from foods like fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and olives. At the same time avoiding foods containing unhealthy fats such as refined vegetable oils, processed meat, and other processed foods.

Many of the foods in a Mediterranean diet have anti-aging properties, that will both nourish and protect the skin.

Below is a list of the foods included in the diet:

Eat Plentiful Amounts:

Vegetables, fruit, pulses, nuts, seeds, whole grains, potatoes, herbs & spices, fish, seafood and extra virgin olive oil.

Eat In Moderation:

Poultry, dairy, eggs, red meat, and red wine.

Limit or Avoid:

Added sugar, sugary drinks, refined grains, refined vegetable oils, processed meat, and processed foods.

Caffeine – Coffee is far more popular with people living in the Mediterranean region than tea, Caffeine helps to protect against skin cancer because it prevents a protein that UV-damaged precancerous cells need to divide.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

The best-known ingredient in the Mediterranean diet is, of course, Olive oil, a staple part of the diet, giving healthy monounsaturated fats and thought to be one of the reasons to the far superior health of the Mediterranean people. Olive oil is a valuable source of a fatty acid called oleic acid, which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation is involved in both aging and many diseases, so reducing it has anti-aging benefits.

Extra virgin olive oil is high in antioxidants, giving further anti-inflammatory properties, as well as protecting against oxidative stress damage in the body. By choosing cold-pressed olive oil and eating some of it raw, on salads, for example, will ensure you receive the highest antioxidant dose.

Olives and Olive Oil

The consumption of Olive Oil is linked to many advantages, these include a healthier heart and reducing the risk of mental problems such as depression and Alzheimer’s.

Olive oil is also an excellent ingredient for homemade beauty products, such as hair and face masks and fantastic natural body oil for both adults and children. It is packed full with vitamin E and antioxidants and is incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for hair and skin.

Photo of a beach on the Island of Majorca

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Oily Fish:

Living near to the Mediterranean Sea, the inhabitants of this region are traditionally fish eaters. Fish, especially of the rich oily variety, is our number one dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for health, beauty, and anti-aging. They have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, protecting those parts of the body most affected by aging (your eyes, the brain, heart, joints, etc.), as well as being an excellent moisturizer and conditioner for the skin and hair.

Both fish and seafood are also a fantastic protein source and provide essentialFish and Veg on a plate nutrients such as zinc and selenium. There is another less well-known anti-aging ‘star ’ to be found in ‘pink’ fish such as salmon, called astaxanthin. It is effective in reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, diminishing wrinkles, improving skin elasticity and so improving your overall appearance.

Plant Super-Foods:

Our Mediterranean neighbors have not only got the fruit and veg portions correct, but are also including an abundance of other plant super-foods in their daily diets, such as nuts, seeds, pulses, and whole grains. For example, nuts form an integral part of the diet and have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which give them anti-aging powers. Regular consumption is linked to lower cholesterol, reduced diabetes risk, and lower body weight. Pulses and whole grains also regularly feature in Mediterranean cuisine and are just as advantageous for health.

Bread and Pasta:

Bread is always seen on the table in a Mediterranean kitchen as well as pasta, both are very popular but are eaten alongside plenty of lentils, beans and other whole grains such as barley, whole wheat berries, polenta, oats, and buckwheat.

olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Bread and pasta have been unfairly labeled as ‘bad’ or ‘fattening’ foods in recent years. They are however a staple food in many healthy populations, including the Mediterranean region. Freshly baked whole wheat bread is a personal favorite of mine dipped in olive oil (instead of butter or margarine) add a touch of Balsamic Vinegar and black pepper, it’s delicious and it is actually very nutritious, so long as you are not allergic to wheat, gluten sensitivity or are coeliac it should not cause any issues if eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Meat, Eggs, and Dairy:

Meat, eggs, and dairy are eaten in small quantities and in their most natural unprocessed forms. Fresh cheeses, of which many are naturally low in fat, such as ricotta, feta, and mozzarella are eaten in reasonable amounts and provide a great source of protein and calcium.

Dairy Products

Sheep’s and goats dairy products are very popular, as well as yogurt, which is a natural source of probiotics for a healthy gut. Meat is far less processed and eaten maybe once or twice a week, not daily! A traditional Mediterranean diet will be low in processed foods, with meals being home-cooked and made from natural, fresh ingredients.

Moderation and Balance:

Meat, eggs, and dairy are eaten in small quantities and in their most natural unprocessed forms. Fresh cheeses, of which many are naturally low in fat, such as ricotta, feta, and mozzarella are eaten in reasonable amounts and provide a great source of protein and calcium.

Tomatoes and Wine

Sheep’s and goats dairy products are very popular, as well as yogurt, which is a natural source of probiotics for a healthy gut. Meat is far less processed and eaten maybe once or twice a week, not daily! A traditional Mediterranean diet will be low in processed foods, with meals being home-cooked and made from natural, fresh ingredients, and enjoyed with a  glass of red wine.

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General Skin Conditions:

Some common skin conditions can be affected by the food you eat:

Acne – A study on male acne patients who followed a low-glycemic diet had reduced acne in comparison to a group of men that ate a diet rich in carbohydrates.

Chocolate – this gets a bad report as it is seen as a cause of pimples when in reality acne might be from a high-sugar or high-carb diet, if you can’t resist it, try to eat dark chocolate, in moderation of course!

Rosacea – This can include facial redness and swelling, can be set off by overindulging in rich, spicy foods, excessive alcohol or even hot drinks.

Eczema – People who suffer from eczema get dry, itchy, and red patches on the skin. Dermatologists say foods that can aggravate eczema symptoms include milk, eggs, soy, and wheat, and excess sugar. The Mediterranean diet is very beneficial for people who suffer from Eczema.

Keep Your Skin Healthy:

Eat your colors for antioxidants, include some healthy fats and choose a variety of foods to get the nutrients required to keep your skin glowing not only in summer but all year long.

girl looking at blue sea

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet; eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables can help to stop the damage that leads to skin aging prematurely.

Many studies also suggest that a diet that contains a lot of sugar or other refined carbohydrates can speed up the aging process!

Excessive drinking of Alcohol dehydrates the skin, if you remove the moisture content from the skin in time, this will lead to wrinkles and signs of aging on the face, simply put, you are going to look older. Drink less alcohol, easy to say I know, but Alcohol is severe on the skin.

Allow your body and skin to enjoy the Benefits of Change:

Even people who now have signs of premature aging skin can benefit greatly from making lifestyle changes.

By changing your diet and bad habits, you will see and feel the benefit to your body and skin.

If you smoke, stop! People who do manage to quit smoking often notice that their skin looks healthier in time. Smoking will dramatically speed up how quickly your skin ages, it also causes wrinkles and a dull, sallow complexion.

By using a high factor sunscreen you are protecting your skin from the sun, and you give it an opportunity to repair some of the damage that may have already occurred.

Apply a facial moisturizer both day and night. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

The Mediterranean Lifestyle:

clear Med Sea and girl

The Mediterranean diet for health benefits and maintaining healthy skin is far more about boosting your overall sense of well-being and learning how to make healthier food choices without giving up on taste and flavor. What’s not to love about really easy to find and use skin foods that give you an all-around healthy glow, inside and out?

If signs of aging skin bother you, you may want to see a dermatologist. New treatments and less-invasive procedures for smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin, and improving one’s complexion are giving many people younger-looking skin.

How much do you enjoy Mediterranean style food? What food do you find helps your skin look and feel better? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Sleep For Better Skin – Skin Matters

sleeping lady 4

The notion is that ‘beauty sleep’ is a myth.

The reality is that getting the correct amount of sleep is the key to beautiful, healthy skin that lasts.

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Sleep For Better Skin:

Science is telling us that we need to get sleep for better skin, and getting a good nights sleep is essential for repairing, renewing and restructuring the skin. The quality and length of sleep that your body receives every night can have a direct impact on your skin’s overall health.

For adults the minimum amount of sleep that is recommended is six hours with eight hours being the optimum, it is thought that only 32 percent of adults realize this, and it is believed that 50 percent of people struggle to get a ‘good’ nights sleep.

When we sleep our bodies recharge, but not only do our bodies recharge, but our skin does as well. While we sleep, we heal, restore and eliminate toxins from the skin. The association between good skin and sleep is ever-growing and has prompted many brands to develop products that achieve the best results when you are sleeping or are improved by a good night’s sleep.

It has been proved that skin cell renewal takes place when your body is sleeping, suggesting that your skin’s appearance is better post-rest.

Your Best Skin Yet:

resting on hands

Here is why getting more shut-eye could be the secret tip to your best skin yet.

Sleep revives the skin’s natural balance and increases the effectiveness in skincare remedies; your skin literally reinvigorates itself during sleep.

Throughout the day when it’s light, the skin’s principal job is to keep hydrated and protected, at night when its dark and you are sleeping the skin is genetically processed to switch into regeneration mode; demonstrating that beauty sleep to be far more than a marketing game.

Getting the correct amount of sleep is the basis on which to build and sustain health, well-being and the best long-term way of safeguarding against stress and age-related disorders.

If you do not get enough sleep, not only does it leave you feeling tired, but you physically show the signs of a lack of sleep with puffiness under the eyes and dehydrated ‘tired’ skin.

Beat The Stress:

Not getting enough sleep also leads to stress, this, in turn, causes the adrenal glands to react and produce an overproduction of the stress hormone, cortisol. When this hormone is released, it stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, this, in turn, can lead to skin breakouts.

Stress generates a chain reaction that is the recipe for bad skin, and clinical studies have proven this to be the common denominator of many skin problems.

When sleep deprivation raises the levels of stress hormones, the body experiences ‘chronic’ stress, which leads to increased inflammation and subsequent hastening of the skin aging, all of this will also lead to any problems you have with acne worsening. Poor sleep routine can result in skin irritation and sensitivity, and the skin progressively loses its capacity to protect itself from all the chemicals, pollutants and grime it comes in contact with each day.

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A Nights Sleep In Stages:

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It is during the first few hours of sleep that your body will begin making the essential human growth hormone and tissue repair occurs – this comes from the pituitary gland. As we start to age, this hormone is necessary for the maintenance of young, youthful and radiant looking skin.

Without the release of this hormone, skin is not repaired from the damage and harm caused by daily pollution and hence begins the aging process.

The next two hours of sleep is when melatonin levels start to rise. Melatonin is a hormone that is accountable for managing your circadian rhythm, more commonly known as sleep/wake patterns.

Melatonin is also very important as it acts as an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from damaging free radicals and helps regulate blood pressure, body temperature and cortisol levels.

During the final three hours of the sleep cycle, or the active REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep stage, levels of cortisol – also known as the stress hormone decrease.

The temperature of the skin also drops to its lowest point allowing muscles to relax and become immobile so allowing the skin precious recovery time from the remainder of the night’s sleep.

Read – Facts And Myths About Skin Care

Five Ways Your Appearance Suffers – Sleep For Better Skin

wake up tired

Here are the five ways that lack of sleep is ruining your skin and wreaking havoc on your appearance.

The Hair:

There is growing evidence that links stress and the onset of hair loss. Reports show that sleep deprivation is a relentless form of pressure on the body. All of this is primarily an indirect way of stating that lack of sleep and the increase in cortisol and stress levels can bring about premature hair loss.

Tired Skin:

We are now aware that a lack of sleep will increase your cortisol levels, and that Cortisol triggers inflammation, this breaks down the proteins in the skin that keep skin radiant, soft and smooth.

When you are feeling weak and tired the blood in your body is not circulating efficiently which usually results in a lack of oxygen in the blood. This lack of oxygen can result in your skin looking pale, pigmented, or blotchy.

Dry Skin:

Not many people are aware that while you sleep, you perspire, but it’s true. While you are asleep your body’s hydration rebalances and regains moisture, and so makes sleep a natural moisturizer and a great help to smooth out wrinkles on the skin.

Missing out on important sleep can affect the moisture levels in your skin and lower your complexion’s pH level. A skin imbalance is produced when your PH levels drop. This imbalance causes your skin not to provide the moisture it so badly needs, consequently leading to drier skin.

Tired Eyes:

tired eyes 2

The skin area around the eyes is very delicate and thin, it is one of the most striking aspects of the face, but it can become very noticeable especially when skin isn’t looked after correctly. It is an area that requires special treatment and care, or a change in lifestyle to maintain a healthy appearance.

Dark circles are a widely known common symptom of not sleeping. A lack of sleep makes your blood vessel dilate leading to dark circles.

Wrinkles, bags, dark circles, and hooded eyelids are not very flattering and can alter our appearance drastically.

You may also find that not sleeping enough can result in reduced water balance that creates dark circles and puffy eyes.

Another thing that is not good for the appearance of your eyes is sleeping on your stomach as fluids can drain and catch in the trough under your eye and cause inflammation and puffiness.

Collagen production/aging process:

When you are not getting enough sleep, this directly affects the body and lead to chronic stress. Prolonged stress harms the quality of the collagen in the skin. Collagen is an essential ingredient in the elasticity and composition of the skin. When collagen is disrupted, the skin shows more obvious signs of aging by becoming thinner and less firm. When the skin is thin, its appearance is less smooth and subtle and showcases wrinkles more prominently.

Sleep And The Skin – Sleep For Better Skin:

Top Tips for better sleep and rest that can improve your skin:

Establish a bedtime routine and try to get at least 6-9 hours of sleep per night.

five more minutes

Limit alcohol and cigarettes before bed.

By limiting alcohol four to six hours before bed, avoiding caffeine and heavy meals before sleep, getting more exercise, and developing a regular bedtime and morning wake-up call, even on weekends, your skin will radiate in a healthy glow.

Keep up your sleep hygiene to promote a good night’s rest.

Get high thread count sheets and pillowcases to help avoid any pulling on the skin.

Wash your face nightly and apply skin care treatments which help promote a flawless complexion.

If you are prescribed a CPAP machine – Continuous positive airway pressure therapy is a standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Researchers recently found apnea sufferers who use their CPAP machines look younger and fresher than those who do not, two good reasons to use it!

Most of us will usually experience different levels of sleepiness and alertness during the day. These are caused by two body systems: sleep/wake homeostasis and the circadian biological clock. In layman’s terms, homeostasis tells our body when we need sleep, and our circadian clock regulates the timing of periods of tiredness and wakefulness throughout the day.

If you still find yourself having missing out on sleep even after practicing good sleep habits have a talk to your doctor about your sleep problems and schedule a consultation with a sleep specialist — various sleep disorders include sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and more.

Skin Care Routine:

face wash

So, we now understand how important getting enough sleep is for our skin, but do not forget to allow sufficient time before going to bed to follow your good skin care routine.

At bedtime, the aim is to fix damage from the day’s pollution, sun, and stress, and to ensure you hydrate since you lose more water from your skin as you sleep.

Using a cleansing brush like the Clarisonic and a gentle face cleanser in lukewarm water to wash off grime and oil. Being extra careful not to overdo it with the cleansing brush. If you see any changes in your skin, minimize or stop usage immediately.

Pat or dab dry the face, you then administer a small amount of retinoid. Avoid the area close to the eyes, the corners of your mouth and creases of the nose. These creams are used to improve and heal the skin.

When you purchase ‘Over-the-counter’ retinoid products these contain ‘retinol’ or ‘retinaldehyde,’ However, retinoids that you get on prescription are higher strength and these can dry the skin out, so make sure a decent layer of facial moisturizer always follows it.

Day And Night:

The significant difference you find between daytime and nighttime moisturizers is that the former is lighter in consistency and often contain sunscreen. The texture of nighttime moisturizers may not feel or look aesthetically pleasing to the user, but they make skin soft and supple.

When searching for an evening facial moisturizer, it is essential to read the ingredients label looking for antioxidants, peptides, and vitamins C and A to help fix the ‘abuse’ from the day. You won’t go too far wrong if you use pure and simple hydrating products. Allow the retinoid do the anti-aging work!

Gently dab on eye cream after you put on your night cream.

cheek creamIncluding eye cream into your evening beauty routine is a perfect way to keep a youthful-looking appearance. It protects and hydrates the delicate skin around the eye.

Eye creams made with caffeine, which helps to reduce puffiness, and niacinamide, which boosts moisture levels, keep skin from drying out and hold back those unwanted wrinkles!

Bonus tip:

Get some actual sleep for better skin!

sleeping lady 3

Remember, if the body doesn’t rest, the evening skincare products can only do so much!

How much sleep do you get each night, what tips do you have for coping with tired, stressed skin? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Alcohol and Skin Care Products – The Facts – Maintaining Healthy Skin

How To Read Product Labels

One question that I get asked almost on a daily basis is about the ingredients in cosmetics. What should I look out for in a product that is going to be detrimental to my skin? Most of the time, people’s biggest concern is Alcohol and Skin Care Products, and maintaining healthy skin.

Alcohol In Products – How To Interpret It:

Alcohol and Skin Care Products - The Facts

However, it isn’t so easy to give a straightforward answer, simply because everyone’s skin type is different, and anyone who has ‘sensitive’ or ‘very sensitive’ skin need to be particularly careful with the cosmetics they apply to their skin, as alcohol is the number one irritant for sensitive skin.

That said, one thing I do advise everyone, is to look for and avoid anything that has ‘Alcohol’ high on the list of ingredients.

With so much misleading or incomplete information online, you can easily believe that not all alcohol-based cosmetics are harmful to your skin. Products loaded with alcohol (SD alcohol, denatured, ethanol, methanol or ethyl alcohol) are absorbed quickly into the skin and have a light, delicate feel to them, it’s easy to see why they appeal to manufacturers and the reason why they like to keep adding them to their products.

Despite this widely available information being misinterpreted, research is conclusive: No matter what skin care problems you have, alcohol as the main ingredient in a skin care product is a going to aggravate it.

Can Alcohol Ever Be Good For Your Skin?

So, it’s perfectly understandable that you may be thinking their has to be a good reason why so many skin care companies include alcohol in their products. Of course, a few reasons will appear, but their are only two explanations that hold any weight. As previously mentioned, alcohol can make a skin-care product feel almost weightless, creating a deceptively pleasing aesthetic.

The second reason being that your skin is their to protect your body from ‘foreign bodies’ entering it, and naturally, this will include any cosmetics we try to apply to our skin, these include the ‘good’ ingredients we like to ‘feed’ it.

Skin-protective substances (lipids, enzymes, and antioxidants) are keeping the beneficial ingredients in your cosmetics from getting into your body. Alcohol helps to get these ‘good’ ingredients like retinol, and vitamin C to be absorbed into the skin more effectively, but in doing so it damages the skin’s barrier, destroying the very substances that keep your skin healthy.

There are undoubtedly other, less harmful ways to get the right ingredients into the skin, and without damaging the surface.

Read – Skin Management – Learning Good Habits

If Alcohol Evaporates – How Damaging Can It Be?

Most people will know that alcohol evaporates quickly, so it seems logical to think that if it is not on the skin surface for very long, the damage will not be so severe. Unfortunately, that is only wishful thinking, alcohol immediately harms the skin and will continue to cause damage long after it has evaporated.

Once the alcohol has done damage to the skin’s barrier, your skin has been weakened, and it will never be as good at protecting itself from further damage.

The Good & Bad Types Of Alcohol:

There is a group of ‘fatty alcohols’ which are not harmful in any way to the skin. Unfortunately, these often get confused with the bad alcohols, such as Denatured alcohol, the fatty alcohols (the right type) include, among others, Cetyl, Stearyl, and Cetearyl Alcohol.

These fatty alcohols are used as emollients and thickeners in skin-care products. Fatty alcohols do not irritate your skin and can be beneficial to help relieve dry skin, they give a pleasant texture to creams/lotions and help keep components stable in products, in small amounts these won’t create problems to any skin type.

When we talk about the presence of ‘bad’ alcohol in cosmetics, we are referring to a drying type of alcohol, the names to look out for on the ingredient label are, SD Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol or Ethyl Alcohol and less frequently used Isopropyl Alcohol. These are the volatile alcohols that give products a quick-drying finish and help creams to feel weightless on the skin surface, and they also help to de-grease skin. It is understandable they have some appeal to consumers, especially for those with oily skin.

When you see any of these types of alcohol listed in the first six ingredients on the packaging of any cosmetic product, without question they will aggravate and are bad for all skin types. The consequences of using any cosmetics with high alcohol contents are dryness to your skin, erosion of the surface of the skin; this affects how the skin replenishes, renews, and rejuvenates itself. These bad types of Alcohol weaken everything about skin.

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Alcohol’s Connection To Acne & Oily Skin:

Alcohol has two benefits that will undoubtedly appeal to people who suffer from acne and oily skin. Alcohol can kill acne-causing bacteria, and help reduce their breakouts, which is why people with acne favor alcohol-based anti-acne products. Alcohol also de-greases skin, and that instant relief from shiny skin is appealing to those with oily complexions.

However, research has shown that alcohol-based anti-acne products increase both irritation and dryness, thus making it difficult for those with acne to stick to their skincare routine. Research indicates that anti-acne products that contain milder alternatives to alcohol are better for the skin. The downside of using alcohol-based treatments is that the damage they cause leads to an increase of acne-causing bacteria, and makes inflammation of the affected area worse.

For those treating oily skin, alcohol can stimulate oil production at the base of the pore, so the de-greasing effect is counteracted by oily skin producing more oil, it is a no win situation! You have to avoid products that have high Alcohol content.

Alcohol & Skin Cells:

While researching this subject, I was reading about an experiment where small amounts of alcohol were applied to skin cells in laboratory settings (about 3% alcohol, keep in mind skin-care products contain values ranging from 5% to 60% or more) over the course of two days it increased severe skin-cell damage by 26%. The alcohol also destroyed the substances in skin cells that help to reduce inflammation and defend against free radicals.

So, it leads back to the question, why are products that are alcohol-based still being produced? We know these cause damage to our skin, whether you see the damage straight away or 10 years from now. There is no reason to use alcohol in cosmetics given that their are more advanced alternatives currently available.

Isn’t it a good reason for cosmetic companies to now stop developing SD alcohol/ethanol-based products when it’s such an out-dated way to be making cosmetics.


So, what is the conclusion regards Alcohol and Skin Care Products? The research is clear: Alcohol harms your skin’s protective barrier, aggravates sensitive skin, triggers free-radical damage, makes oily skin and redness worse, and the most damning thing of all, it will rapidly age your skin.

It’s quite simple people, given the damaging effects of alcohol-based products, avoid them altogether when their are hundreds of skin-friendly alternatives available.

What are your concerns regarding Alcohol in Cosmetics? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


Your Skin Care Help

skin care help


The one thing everyone in the world has in common is our ‘skin’… What we don’t have in common is the way we look after, take care, and treat our skin. Many people take for granted that it is there, in perfect condition, and always will be; and apart from washing do very little to look after and protect their skin, few people appreciate how fragile it really is.


skin care helpI have always been an outdoors person, from my work to most of my hobbies you would rarely catch me indoors, no matter what time of the year it was or what the weather was doing.

If it was raining or cold not a problem, make sure you had enough clothes on not to feel the chill, if it was warm and sunny then that was great, stay out for hours on end and soak it all up.

I’m outdoors, enjoying life, staying healthy… or so I thought. I was giving little or no consideration as to what the weather was doing to my skin.

Read – Skin Management – Learning Good Habits


How many people who are reading this have ever had a UV picture taken of their face?

Maybe like me, the answer is never. I went to my doctor because I had a tiny area of skin on my forehead that always seemed a little dry, I thought nothing much of it until it very gradually started to increase in size, but again kept on telling myself its just a small area of dry skin, it will clear itself.

To cut to the chase, I eventually went to see a Dermatologist who sat me down in front of a camera and showed me a UV photo of my face, and I was horrified. The damage to my skin shocked me! Never did I realise how my so-called healthy lifestyle was causing so much damage to the skin on my face due mainly too my lack of knowledge of how sensitive our skin is, and how harsh the weather can be on our face and body.

Swiss Clinic Skin Roller


Swiss Clinic Skin Roller

Maximised Skin Care With Microneedling – This Swiss Clinic Skin Roller works by gently stimulating the skin’s healing process & accelerating skin cell renewal.


Dream Stuff Your Skin Care HelpWe take many things for granted in our lives and thankfully, most won’t have life-changing consequences.

Taking the correct steps morning and evening to take care of your skin can prevent a lot of heartache and regret.

On this website, we will show you the correct routine, and what products are best to protect your skin.

If you ever need advice or have any questions, please feel free to leave comments below, and I will be more than happy to discuss them with you.

Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.

All the best.