Detox Body and Skin – Maintaining Healthy Skin

If you thought that a ‘detox’ was something you did just to benefit your inner body, its time to think again. With the busy festive season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to get your skin in pristine condition. A Detox Body and Skin diet means you benefit internally and externally from one cleanse.

What is a Detox Diet?

A Detox diet means that you eliminate unhealthy foods, and replace them with food that is pure and natural. They usually last from 3 to 21 days, and the results are amazing and very beneficial to your general well-being. The process of detoxification is not as easy as it seems, especially if you are a fan of sugar, processed foods, and caffeine. We know to begin with cutting these products from your diet is going to be tough and challenging.

Here is a little something that you may not know, the liver and how well it is ‘functioning’ has many implications that may lead to epidermal problems.

So, you want to improve the appearance of your skin, a good place to start looking is at your gut since digestive well-being directly impacts your complexion.

The liver that is best known for breaking down amongst other things’ alcohol is closely connected to how healthy or poor your skin is looking.

Alcohol, as well as being high in sugar, is toxic to your body’s own ‘detoxifying’ cells, this can hinder your system’s own ability to ‘cleanse.’

A troubled liver can lead to your skin becoming dry, itchy, inflamed and cause acne to flare up.

There is a proverb in traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that “if your liver is in harmony, then the rest of your body will be in harmony as well.”

Video – Detox your Body in 1 Day!

What can I do to help my Skin? – Detox Body and Skin – Maintaining Healthy Skin

Consequently, it makes sense that a good place to start your cleanse would be to cut back on the alcohol intake, excessive alcohol will lead to a buildup of toxins in the liver,

Everything that we consume is processed through the liver, so we really need to think carefully about what we eat, drink, and even the air we breathe, it’s vitally important to keep it as healthy as we possibly can, your skin is a representation of what is going on inside of your body.

All of that means if we overload the body with crude substances, whether they are environmental pollutants, inflammatory foods, or alcohol, the results of these are going to show up on your face. If the liver is unable to break down toxins, your body makes every effort to remove these toxins through other ways, such as pores in your skin.

Every day our skin is exposed to various external pollutants – smoke, fumes and UVA/UVB rays to name but a few, it is nearly impossible to avoid encountering toxins on a daily basis. In actual fact, air pollution is now being associated with visible signs of skin damage.

As the skin is the largest organ of the body, toxicity can often manifest itself in conditions such as breakouts, eczema, or dermatitis.

That said, the right topical treatment can certainly help. Look for an antioxidant-rich serum and day cream to fight free radical damage and serve as a shield between the face and the elements. By preventing the toxins from reaching the skin’s lower layers, you actively protect against the breakdown of essential elastin and collagen – which means skin stays ‘younger’ for longer.

Unfortunately, we find in many skincare products chemicals are put into them to restore estrogen levels, these will also need to be removed by the liver!

What Toxins affect your Skin?

Its a frightening thought, but we are exposed to toxins nearly every day of our lives, not only in the air, water, and food but many other ways too, such as personal products that we use. Toxins can also be found in the pesticides that we apply to our lawns, there can be harmful residue on our food, solvents found in paints and cleaning products.

Most plastic products contain the chemical Bisphenol-A, better known as BPA and phthalates, these are odor-free liquids that do not evaporate quickly, they are used primarily to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) soft and flexible, these are commonly called the ‘everywhere chemicals’ because they are used in making countless plastic products that we are in contact with and use every day.

We all try our best to live free of these dangerous substances, but the truth is some are unavoidable.

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On the plus side, we can relax a little in the knowledge that we do have organs that work hard to clear these toxins from our body. The most significant organs used to detoxify the body are; the skin, lymphatic system, digestive system, the kidneys, and the liver. But, the liver is the most important organ when it comes to clearing these deadly toxins, it protects the body from harmful substances by decreasing their toxicity and making them ready for discharge.

When the liver and other organs the body uses to detoxicate are not operating correctly, this may lead to poisons forming in the body. This increase also happens when we are exposed to more toxins than our body can cope with. We will notice when our body isn’t dealing with the excess levels as we may see skin rashes and itching, acne especially hormonal acne, inflammatory conditions such as eczema, constant headaches and generally the whole body aching.

The Fat Factor:

The liver is not only responsible for dealing with toxins, but it is also used for breaking down fat. If you indulge in a very unhealthy diet, drink excessive amounts of booze the liver may struggle to cope with the overload, the fat will instead circulate in the bloodstream, and it ends up getting into the sebaceous glands.

Another problem that occurs if the liver is ‘overloaded’ is Cholesterol and triglycerides which are fatty substances that travel around in our bloodstream, can end up getting into the tissue and ‘storing’ themselves there, when this happens, it can disrupt the oil on your skin, known as sebum and this becomes very stressful on your complexion.

The quality and quantity of the fats in your bloodstream have an impact on how thick that sebum is, the thicker it is, the more likely it is to clog pores, this results in chronic breakouts.

If a contented liver equals radiant skin, how exactly can you help both organs perform at their best?

It all comes back to healthy eating and lifestyle.

Detox Through Your Diet:

You can start with simple changes to your diet, this can be a great start towards a healthy liver, and to keeping your skin clear. It is the liver that is responsible for breaking down hormones so they can be adequately eliminated and maintain a healthy balance.

Therefore, helping the liver combat hormonal imbalance is one of the most essential things’ we can do. If the liver becomes full of fatty buildup or strained, all the right things’ you are doing won’t be beneficial until the liver is cleansed and restored. If you suffer from hormonal acne, this is especially relevant for you.

Over the course of time, our body can become unbalanced, our hormones and digestive system need to be purified, by doing this it enhances the functions of the organs and helps us regain a balance.

Consider taking the following measures to help to cleanse the liver:

During your detox, you will need to provide healthy nourishment to your body to help support your liver, kidneys, and colon.

You should consider staying on a healthy diet for a very minimum of three days to see some benefits to your skin, but remember the longer you are on it, the better your skin is going to look, and your body feeling invigorated.

Fruit in bottles - Detox

Here is a list of food and drinks that would be beneficial when detoxing:

Cruciferous vegetables – especially broccoli, also cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.

Sulfur-containing foods – onions and garlic.

Fiber-rich fruits – bananas, oranges, apples, mangoes, raspberries, and strawberries.

High fiber vegetables – beans, peas, and Potatoes with skin.

Antioxidant-rich foods – Artichokes, Raspberries, Kale, Red Cabbage, Beetroot, and Spinach.

Herbal Teas – Red Clover, Burdock Root, Ginger tea, and Cayenne Pepper tea.

You should eat organic food, drink filtered water and choose non-toxic skincare products.

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To aid your liver in removing unwanted toxins that may be in the process of being absorbed into the body you can use Lemon Juice. Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C that boosts your immune system. Warm Lemon water in the morning helps your digestion, it flushes out toxins and cleanses the liver and is an easy way to give a little extra help.

Try to avoid obvious reactive foods. These are foods that can lead to inflammation, this, in turn, can lead to many symptoms and ailments, including persistent skin problems such as acne and eczema.

The most common reactive foods include Dairy products, Eggs, Peanuts, Gluten, Alcohol, Caffeine, and Sugar.

When you decide to give the body a ‘cleanse’ it is an excellent time to take a break from these foods, and you will see for yourself how much these can impact your overall health.

To obtain the best results from your detox, you have to ensure that your bowels and kidneys are working effectively to remove toxins released during the cleanse. For bowels, as we mentioned earlier fiber is vital. For kidneys, it’s imperative to drink plenty of filtered water. Also, the skin releases toxins when you sweat, so it’s a good idea to exfoliate and ensure clean pores so you can sufficiently release toxins and discard dead skin.

While you are on your skin detox, you have to be more careful with what you eat. For this period it is essential to adapt to a healthy balanced diet. Stay off dairy products, fried foods, and try to cut out sugar, these will all lead to blocked pores and dull looking skin, for the duration of your detox. Instead, opt for foods that are going to assist your body, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and don’t forget to keep up the water intake!

All essential to overall health and wellness.

Drink Lots of Water – and Only Water!

Drinking enough water daily (minimum 6 – 8 glasses per day) is vital for your overall health, it helps with your circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion, and promotes a healthier, hydrated, younger-looking, and radiant complexion.

This amount is the daily recommendation to help eliminate toxins from your body and remain hydrated, few people actually drink this much, and to make matters worse, they are drinking dehydrating liquids like coffee, sugary juices, and alcohol.

But if you are trying to help your skin, maybe taking a break from these beverages, at least while you are detoxing, you should try swapping your morning cup of coffee for a hydrating and skin-clearing green tea.

Read – Benefits of Drinking Water For Your Skin

Glowing Skin

beautiful skin+commitment

The solution when detox body and skin is implementing what you have benefited from it, and introduce it into your everyday life, by doing this you can continue to see results long after the detox is over. By putting more care and effort into your daily skincare, and try to keep up with facials and occasional spas, add a selection of healthy foods into your diet, your skin smooth and glowing, and you will feel the changes in a few days.

With minor changes like these, hopefully, your skin won’t need a detox very often!

What are your preferred methods of detoxing? Please leave any comments or questions below, and I will be happy to discuss them with you.


4 Replies to “Detox Body and Skin – Maintaining Healthy Skin”

  1. Hi, love this post about detoxing, I thought I had It all under control until reading your post! But it’s never to late to learn something new or start a healthy plan…very inspiring read.

    1. Hi Andrea, that is so true, we can learn something new every day, and if it benefits our health in some way all the better 🙂
      I hope you benefit from your detox, I would luv to hear how things go for you or if you try anything different. Good Luck.


  2. Hi Jo, this is a great article on Detoxing, honestly this never occurred to me but after reading this article it is now something I intend to do in the near future, and hopefully I will be looking and feeling better!…?‍♀️? I’ll stay in touch, and fingers crossed with good results! thanks.

    1. Hi Nicky, it’s so good to hear that you are considering detoxing, there are many benefits to be had from a detox. You will body will feel much better and more energised, your skin will look healthier, and helps to strengthen hair and nails. Good Luck and please keep me informed how you get on.
      Regards Jo

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